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Everything posted by Bethmermaid

  1. She sure loaded the mascara on But.. I don't see Adri....
  2. OMG! Thanks Julia! Its ok by the way take your time =] I love the avi!! :shock:
  3. ^ I agree! And sorry they are stupid enough to actually do that Tagging VS images is kind of funny, seeing they are many duplicates of them or a lot of people have them saved up already. Not like its a rare image, or they actually claim, have credits for the pic etc.
  4. ^ what? I'm sorry! Thats awful, hopefully this gets solved >.< EDIT: I was on the wrong page lololol.
  5. I always favored the lingerie photos, when they wore wings. So freaking lovely..... Anyway just gonna post a few before I head off to bed... First off Izabel.. Just randomness... (side note: sorry for unorganization ) Gisele... Adri... Ale.. (hard to choose.....) ok.. Sorry for repost and going now lol,
  6. Noooooo. I was hoping this wouldn't be a big thing. i know it is but i always visit there everyday >.< And thanks Alejandra about the megan thing.. Not sure how they are going to get much comeback, since she recked or hacked thee forum.. =/
  7. Why did it say at the bottom this is for you Megan? Who is that, or I guess that may be why the hacking started?
  9. Your welcome! love your page and Avatar =]

  10. best face:Natasha. best abs:Daria. best smile:Natasha. best eyes:Natasha. & best nose:Alessandra. best eyes:Alessandra.
  11. Hey I am back Um.. Here is the pictures for the signature Take your time with it though, no rush I just appreciate it really =] And for the avatar... I was wanting a gif from this video. Its not the best quality but... I really like it. It starts in the beginning and ends after 4 seconds I think... Thanks Video didn't show... But here is the link..
  12. Have you registered yet? Maybe something else is wrong =/
  13. LOL!!! I love your posts Brendanm21 Keepem, coming
  14. ^ Same here, but I think they have some sort of copyright protection on it, or you have to register to make the pictures open to at least look at them.
  15. Here are just a few of mine... Credit to: http://anabeatrizbarrosfan.com & http://adrianalimafan.net/
  16. Is the signature you put up, free to take? lololololol.
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