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Status Updates posted by penny-dreaddfull

  1. the suns coming up here =hisses like a proper vampire=

    ill be back late morning--hope 2see u then!!!


  2. hry sweets! i sadly havent been on the boards lately.. getting an 18 yr old all settled in college is a moneysucking, time siphoning job ;p lolol

    i posted a photo of joan severance a few weeks ago

    see ya on the boards with the pretty models!


  3. holy shitFIRE!!! i see youre on right as i must blow this fuckin joint. :(

    kisses anyways


  4. im telling ya, m ix any ethnicity w/ german and you get WIN!! lolol, i get mistaken for every race under the sun...and i unabashedly take advant. of it..if im at a mexican rest. and they ask me if im latina, i say,' SI, SI I AM'!!!!!!!!l etc.....lolololololololololol

  5. <333

    how's it hangin, antonia? ive got lotsa spare internet time this week, hope i see you putzing about. i miss you like the deserts miss the rain ;p

    take care +kiss+

  6. i came on 'specially with hopes of seeing you.

    were ships passing in the night +pout+

    u r missed


  7. your erin o' avatar and sig is the best thats ever been made.Ever.

    freaking cool.


  8. hi darling!!!

    youre doing such a kick ass job posting on the unusual pic thread.how is your day so far




  9. hi snookums


    i stayed in for a week cuz i O.P.M.E




  10. hi ms. sahara hime!!! your avatar is stunning, i have to agree w/ Q and sasy wheres the sig?? you have singlehandedly rocked the asian models thread +sigh+ so gorgeous. have a happy happy


  11. hiya hotstuff +grinning salaciously+

    glad u liked me and me droogs ;0

    im off today, slightly stoned, and plan to be an internet slave




  12. hey kiddo

    poppin by to say high=

    ijust looked at your personal photo.

    rrrrraaarrr!, arent u a cutie!

  13. hey hun!!!! ive missed you like the damn deserts miss the rain...been so busy making money for louie at school.....had i known all the odds and ends at college were so expensive, id have started street walking LONG AGO!!!!!

    love ya!!!!!!!!

    im going to try hard to be round more often


  14. hey chica!! its hard to log on lately....u know, working the street corners to put the kid through college :brows: lololol... but im gonna try to come round more often. hope all is kickin ass in your world.... seen trueblood yet?? =faints=



  15. hey sweetheart...how goes it?? <3333

  16. thanks so much, doll! that makes me feel great :) i missed you guys too.i let my son have hius first unsupervised party, and my laptop was stolenm. was so depressed, couldnt bering myself to log on!! lolol. but im good now, and glad to see my friends <333333

  17. you are the cutest!!!its good to see you, doll.

    ive been living in whirlwhind land, where nothing makes sense, but.. things are looking up.ive missed you, kiddo.



  18. ;p

    my fathers jamaican

    and my mom's german


  19. 'ello!

    im sooo glad u starting coming to the thread. and my kid does have great taste in models if i do say so myself :whistle:



  20. mel ~pics up in big-ass bear hug~ ~resists booty grab~

    :ROFL: ROFL:~!!!!!

    sup, girl?

  21. hey encantador!!!

    <333 looking at your profile i realize youre the same age as my son!!! lololoolol

    you show maturity beyond your years

    im so excited about our thread having over 100K views!!!!!!

    thanks for your help


  22. hey girl! i havent seen you around for a hot minute... i trust all is well??nice to see u round :)

  23. hey sweets!! <33

    that new thread is AWESOME!! unfortunately, good old uptight america doesnt have many ads like that.

    but im gonna check around youtube and see what i can come up with :)

  24. i am SOO sorry bout the misunderstanding!!! like i said in the thread, i didnt have a great exp. w/ that forum so i was ready to spit bullets.

    please accept my awkward apology!!!



  25. do you realize how easy you are to provoke?

    if you had half a brain, youd let it go. because as long as you keep taking the bait, Little One-ill keep handing it out. do i need to spell it out for the 21 and under club? because you dont seem to be getting it.


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