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About ThatGirlKay

  • Birthday 10/17/1987

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  1. Happy Birthday TGK ^_^

  2. Oh yeah I know and btw, who's the guy in your avatar
  3. from João Arraes' photostream on flickr
  4. Doesn't he look sexy/cool here
  5. Thanks for all the new pics, them
  6. Yes, I agree, I've always thought she looked like someone, but couldn't figure it out She looks like a young Milla, she is so beautiful
  7. what?!?!?!? oh that's just sooooooooooooooo wrong!!!! caleb's HOT!!! Someone preferring someone else to Caleb clearly could only happen in a movie speaking of which, do you know where I could watch this movie What's up? It's a short film named "seeing you in circles". You may find it at www.logoonline.com, just type the name in the search box and you'll find it. Trouble is you must buy it to watch it. You can also buy it at: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore...39&s=143441 That's it! Have a nice time everyone! Thanks!
  8. Just some random pictures of Esti ygut.bmp ygut.bmp
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