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Everything posted by ~*BeTtY*~

  1. ~*BeTtY*~

    Saw III

    I'm gonna watch Saw 4 today, it better be good.
  2. ~*BeTtY*~


    Yeah really, at the hotel and after with the whole Pamela thing was pretty ridiculous. Still it was funny.. the quotes are like 'classic' now Lol.
  3. ~*BeTtY*~


    I never got to watch the last episode of Season 2 <_< Does anybody know where I can download it from, or watch it online or whatever?
  4. Ok but how do I know which episode is which, this is confusing http://www.torrentz.com/search?q=Gossip+Girl & also how do you download it? ?
  5. ^lol I'd say so!!! Even If you don't see any famous people or models let alone it's still pretty lucky to live in NYC. I Dream of just visiting there, not to mention living.. it's like wow, people actually live there, but do they appreciate how amazing it is. NY it's one of the most famous citys in the world & it's called "The Greatest City in the World" . It's my dream to go there.
  6. She is beautiful, but the thing is she is waisting her beauty on catalog stuff. She is capable of so much more & could be doing some high fashion instead and I've never heard of that Alba Moda before.
  7. Wow thank you that's a great cover she looks gorgeous I just don't like that they enlarged her breasts there.
  8. Wow really? I'm surprised to hear that, cause in pics she looks like she has a killer body.. Thin, but not sickly thin..Just very long and lean But I guess it's one thing to see it on pictures and then to see it in person..And I've also heard models are a lot thinner in real life then they appear. So wow what was she doing really? Was she by herself? Did you talk to her? You're soo lucky, you met Doutzen before, now you saw Michaela!
  9. I know! Like why didn't she get their attention before like the way she does now! It's like the scronnier,fraggle and more pale she looks the more they like her <_< It's ridiculous But I guess that's the new trend.. All the new girls coming are very thin, light hair, pale skin.. and very plain.
  10. I was looking at these pics while ago and I was like Wow, she looks bad. But yet designers adore her more then ever.
  11. Tsum ads scanned by achAT at tfs
  12. Freja at Burberry F/W 07/08 Like I said before I think Freja would be perfect for Burberry campaign..if her hair was still long. But she would get it anyways!
  13. ^Yes it's because she has "high forehead" I've noticed that before, but especially when her hair is up you can see it, but ah well.
  14. This pic was actually by Jey, here are more http://www.thefashionspot.com/forums/showp...postcount=10570
  15. I agree about the face, but I think her outfit is awful.
  16. ^Oh I know!!! She takes my breath Away
  17. LG Prada I think.. I've never seen them in real life, but the gold D&G is disguisting color & the Armani is too wide.
  18. Wow I've never seen these catalog pics before, thank you!! She looks soo beautiful! What are they from anyways??
  19. So Behati Irina still goes to school? what grade are you guys in? Doesn't she like miss a lot of time from shool since she's working ?
  20. I hate jelously, I'm not a jelous person. But sadly we've all experienced it in one way or another.
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