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Everything posted by Nanda

  1. don't know if this a repost... or from TMS
  2. more of the same... here - Edited by Carmelita.~
  3. http://www.smh.com.au/news/people/orlando-...8743316384.html ~Please do not hotlink images - check the rules here - Edited by Carmelita.~
  4. OMG! 2 launchs in less than a month. she is getting big
  5. just found it online http://www.zaz.com.br/istoe/edicoes/2007/artigo78050-1.htm
  6. This week's? Cause my father subscribes it and I don't see it in this week's issue. What's the cover?
  7. i don't know if it is old news but ISTO
  8. cause everybody was saying she was 24, but when her official site was launch it said 22. So a lot people think her official site made a mistake
  9. mirandakerrfan.net/ so they are officialy not "just friends"
  10. did anyone scan her Shop 126 ads? if not here is the site http://www.shop126.com.br/
  11. she looks cute and all but could she be more bored? to me she almost always looks bored doing interviews like she don't want to be there.
  12. I'll translate an important part from this interview Pqpmag ask: why she isn't an angel. it's her choice or is a problem with contracts of other brands ? Ana BB says : it was her choice. a while ago they offered her a contrac but L'oreal also offered her contract at the same time and she couldn't have both so she decided to sign with L'oreal cause the contrac (money ) was better. if you want my opinion i think it was really stupid of her. cause VS ALMOST always starts paying a low salary for their angels. but when they see the public loves them their salary hit the millions a year. see what happened to Adri and Ale? it could be happening to Ana now. too sad ! i would love her on VS
  13. could someone just tell me why she doens't have a subforum? i mean she gets more views and posts than Petra Nemcova. i'm just saying it cause it is really hard to find pics i want here. with subforuns it would be a lot easier
  14. thanks for all the pics! could someone post all her magazines covers ( or at leat the ones you have )?
  15. oh my damn! where is it from Style2007?
  16. thanks for teaching me jman! i really wanted to know how to do it
  17. Ale trying to make Randa Panda a blind person :voodoo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI70rqun-DQ...ersist_locale=1
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