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  1. Shes definitely my favourite!Shame that shes not even in the final 3,but hopefully she could be another Vanessa!I found her face really interesting and her measurements is pretty runway ready!
  2. No one can replace Georgina ,I always think she is incredibly underrated.She is one of the most unique and beautiful faces in this industry!
  3. I am really disappointed that she's not booked as much as before.Not saying she is fading away or anything,but her showlist in Milan is really disappointing.In FW09,she did like 18 shows in Milan and also quite a lot of them are big show:( Hope she'll do much better in Paris!I still have faith in her!
  4. A Vogue cover already! She's going to be huge!
  5. The first set of those Portman shots are gorgeous,the second set is a bit weird though.
  6. Shes very beautiful,definitely is the one to watch!
  7. Moschino "Glamour" Fragrance(HQ) SOURCE: THE FASHION SPOT MCB looks absolutely stunning!
  8. shes going to be huge
  9. Alice's put on supermodels.nl now!Good for her~ http://www.supermodels.nl/aliceburdeu
  10. I love Mariacarla! She is amazing~She isn't the typical beauty but she has something that is attractive! Great to see her back to the runway!She is the real runway diva!
  11. source:all AusNTM
  12. I like Alice She is so high-fashion and beautiful . She is a born model. Her pictures are also strong and she deserves to win this.
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