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Supermodel Diva

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Everything posted by Supermodel Diva

  1. pip hey,Diabolo,who's that on ur avie? She's really pretty... (:
  2. i hope she does become really really famous...she's so pretty.. (:
  3. thanx... i want more pics of heeerrr....
  4. Thanx 4 those pics...I love Gisele...
  5. I love that song of theirs....misery busines....she has great voice & she's really cute...
  6. thanx miss @julia wow,I love that set...& I dont even like daria...
  7. i love aerosmith & i love maroon5...and since i've heard thanx 4 the memories & this aint a scene...I love FOB...what bout u? I mean besides FOB,I guess that u like them :D

  8. she really reminds me of tanya sometimes,but she's cuter than tanya(tanya kinda looks lika an alien :lol: )
  9. my favs...gisele,heidi,natalia,adri,

    doutzen...grrr...i dont know what more to ask you...xD :rofl:

  10. cool...I love those crime books or whatever u call it...thrillers...(: i loved Angels & Deamons by Dan Brown,way better that Da Vinci code...

    who's ur favorite model? oh,& i have to ask,who's that new model on BZ logo??

  11. thanx yay,Im so happy... gonna make some more... thanx Compassionate_Conservative for tellin me how to make those things...
  12. oh,I saw a picture of this croatian island,Krk...it's so beautifull...beach with waterfalls...amazing...I wanna go there someday...but from the places ive seen,I loved Thasos in Greece...u?

  13. my first animated set... it's nothing special,but im proud of it...
  14. thanx...u make amahzing stuff....well,i dunno...I love chocolate...xD and grilled cheese sandwiches...& urs? (:

  15. hey,who's that on the new BZ logo? (:
  16. O...M...G... :shock: this is sooo amazing... great job...
  17. well,the last thing i saw and i really liked was Hostel 2..great horror...the end is awesome...if didnt already see it,u should... :D oh,& I really loved that adriana set that u made..how do u put animated gif in siggy? i tried but it was waaay too big :(

  18. OMG,so sorry....What can I say,Im kinda slow... i take it back,I forgot it vas HER or HER... xD Jessica Biel hmm... Jennifer Lopez or Eva Longoria?
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