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Status Updates posted by buhlack7

  1. OMG!!! i'm sure you did fine! don't even worry about it!!!

    omg!!! hecks yeah!!! i wish you'd visit LA and would take you all over the place and do a whole lot of random crazies!

    omg!!! well have fun with the crazy! i really can't wait to get out of school! hahaha!

  2. oh man! mexico! i am way too broke... and my sister is too! :( but someday! hahahaha!

    oh yeah! and i checked my grades! i'm so pissed i got all A's except for 1! Grrr!!!

    hahaha! gurl! you should be like... i dont need no mushu! i need new shoes!

  3. i wear crazy wigs just for fun! hahaah!

  4. gurlfriend! is there such a thing as elle decor poland?

  5. i'll be going to EDC this saturday! hmm... i mean i don't rave... at all.. and neither do my friends, but were just going anyway! hahaha!

    but omg!!! starting next week... i'll be working 3 jobs! WAHHH!!! meaning mo money for me!!! and summer means free concerts for me! OOoo OOO!

    wait... gurlie! so hows the art

  6. hmmm.... i must check it out!

    my absolute fave is grave of the firefly

  7. ahahahahahaa!!!

    that... my lady... is reserved for my husband!!! :rofl:

  8. ooooo!!!! gurlfriend!!! beer pong! omg! if drunk americans had an olympic sport... i would have the gold medal!!! seriously! its SOOO fun!!! there a couple of rules about it but basically you bounce a ping pong ball into a cup of beer and whenever you make it that person has to drink that cup. and theres 11 cups per team.

  9. hahahaha! pillhead!!! i hate kids on X! so dumb! so annoying too! can't even dance to the beat!!! and GOOD!!! you didn't go to kfc!!! haahah!

    eugh! i hate lectures like that! "keep track of your spending" yah yah yah!

  10. hahahha! everyone's invited!!!

    wait... how did you know??? cops know me already!

    oh man!!! i've got some funny party cops story!!!

  11. yeah!!! i was wondering that too! kina is totally right up the hotel cafe alley! i wonder why she hasn't had show there! .... or has she?

  12. steven meisel's live on the web with coco stam and hil is a pretty good visual for beer pong!!! and omg! yeah! i know that feeling! not beeing able to party when you can! eugh! i hate that feeling!!!

  13. oh gosh camilla! seriously! i think the world is ending! on my way to school... it is just the weirdest weather!!! its raining by the beach and when i reach downtown its like super sunny!!! eugh!

  14. OMG!!! Camilla!!!

    I was about to park my car in the garage when i see a HUGE grasshopper on the handle that i was about to touch so i freak out and start running!

  15. huh? what?

    did camilla tell you that? hahaha! im so lost!

  16. no... i think its chanel no. 5

    hahahahha! no i got chance

  17. hahaha! dawsons! omg! i still can't believe you! hahaha! but whatever girl! if you wanna party! go party! go to a bar and meet a hot indie boy! hahaha!

    and OMG!!! the prada store on rodeo was just AMAZING!!! it was life changing! hahahahaah!

  18. I tried killing it... but it kept hopping or flying!!! so i ended up parking on the street far from my house because i didn't want to deal with it!!!

  19. hahaha!!! well i have two!

    N34 09 04 W118 26 54

    hopefully i read that right! hahah!

    and this one is my home HOME!

    N33 49 00 W118 23 18

  20. you've got a pretty extensive blog!

    i like it!

  21. and omg! i know!!! i miss irene and her crazyness!

  22. so yeah... thats my memorial day... raining!

    but yeah! we start october too!!! its my second year this fall!!!

    and i swear camilla! you are making this london weather for us! hahaha! hurricane camilla! its usually not like this! hopefully it gets sunny soon... and over there too so you can tan! hahah!

  23. oh! and bonus!

    this is my school! hahaha!

    N34 01 46 W118 12 46

  24. merry xmas to you too honey!!! and happy new year!!!!!

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