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Status Updates posted by alien777

  1. aww thats too bad. You need to go to the beach and relax girl. I'm doing good myself , trying to push the business. I've gotten some clients already that are pending. But all is well.

    P.S I'm dieing for some tiramisu, send me some!!!

  2. ahahah So how are you doing celine? What's new in the neighborhood? OH and how did the party go?

  3. omg me too, hopefully more pics of that campaign will come out. I'm pretty sure they will. Have a great weekend :)


  4. Drama? Well I like drama only in movies :) But Yeah I know what you mean. High school is pretty cool... I have many great memories of it while I was there :) So what electives or extra classes are you taking?

  5. oh wow! when and where did you get your new piercing??? Oh check your pm's my friend.


  6. cute avatar :)


  7. That's great Helen. I just finished watching the ceremony a while ago... my God, talk about MAGIC!!! It was like watching a spectacular magic show or something. They really outdid them seleves this time. Well its kind of late, and I'm a bit tired. BIG HUG HELEN, have a great weekend


  8. Si... soy un loco :) ajajaj pero bueno, estoy vivo :). Hoy de verdad el sol estava muy barbaro!!!! Ahoro resien comi algo... y me esta dando un sueno :0... pero no me quiero dormir, en un rato empieza mi novela! Besitos chamita linda!!!


  9. Y tambien las chicas lindas ajajajaj

  10. Hey there! Just dropping by to see how things are... Hopefully good :)


  11. si... pero bueno la vida sigue igual. En la escuela de actuacion, la escogieron 3 agencias. Esta muy alegre :)....


  12. Like the saying goes "Good things come in small packages" :)

    I've actually heard of the country a few times. The food there must be amazing.

  13. Happy New YEAR CHAMITA!!!!

  14. I'm good, thank you for asking. I though I'd post a comment on your page since nobody else had, I'm the first YIPEEE!!! :)

  15. Well I'm heading off to bed my dear. I will talk with you in the morning :) good night


  16. Mrs HO!!! we must talk... it has been too too too long


  17. Hey portia :)

  18. Hi berno... Dude where in the world did you get that awesome HALO shirt... I love it!!!

  19. Ohhh, I really never liked the show to be honest with you. I guess its not my cup of tea. Who nows, maybe if I watch the movie I would like it. Cold war huh... I loved history when I was in High school. It was actually my best class as far as grades go. Good luck with your exams.

  20. omg en serio? Dallas texas? That is crazy! I live here in houston texas. Son como 4 horas de houston. Que lindo que estas estudiando. My summer has been good. Going to the pool allot with my sister's and getting a tan. :)

  21. ajjajaja porque te ries :P omg... Estoy viendo una que se llama "Sin senos no hay paraiso" :) Estoy tan enganchado ;) Empieza a las 9pm en telemundo aajaja

  22. Hey Portia! :)

    Nothing new, same old stuff. How is school going, any new pieces of art :)

  23. That sounds wonderful. I'm very happy for you, have lots of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. OMG its great to hear from you again. I'm so sorry that day I couldn't talk to you, I had so much to do!!! I'm so sorry France was so unpleasant, its been pretty hot here as well, just not so humid as usual. Well I expect many pictures from your summer. Have a safe and fun time for the both of us.

    JORGE :)

  25. oh my! Well I hope you really feel better... Take care of yourself.


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