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Bonjour Bianca

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Posts posted by Bonjour Bianca

  1. 5 minutes ago, PastaFreak said:

    Relax guys, I'm sure that the shitshow we're getting this year can't compare to a forum user's "common sense" ala Bonjour Bianca style :rofl:, compared to the rest of the news we've received all morning, Taylor opening the show is pretty mild. 



    I was responding to this and then got some bad news about a friend I care about. 


    The mods ended this but here you are. Some things are more important than this garbage show and garbage people on this forum such as yourself. 


     I’m out. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, PinkCouture said:


    Although this post wasn't directed at you it applies to everyone. In other words, this includes you:





    Thank you. ‘Truces’ can’t happen if other people keep bringing up topics we’ve been told to stop talking about. 


    Also, just for the record, I’ll always maintain that I won’t let anyone talk about me any way. Just stating that for the record. If I can write my posts and say what I want in peace that’s good enough for me. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, phenobarbie said:

    Seriously enough with the snarky shit back and forth. Politics can be left out of this or I can edit everyone’s negative shit towards each other. This thread is not going down that rabbit hole. 


    @toodarnhot @Bonjour Bianca


    I’m fine with that, I didn’t bring him up anyway. It was the person on this board for a long time who did, maybe they need the talking to? 


    ETA: I’m done with the snark. Like I’ve said I just won’t take people being snarky and mean to me laying down. If people leave me alone, I’ll leave them alone and say what I want to say in peace. That’s fine with me. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, camomille said:


    mte it’s just a fashion show damn


    You’re right. If this were a real discussion board were people are allowed a difference of opinion and there weren’t so many mean girls, people could discuss things, admit when they are wrong about things, which is what I did, and everyone could move on. But what I’m not going to let happen is people thinking they can talk to me any kind of way, and I’ll take it. That’s not happening. It’s the other people taking this stuff way to seriously, not me. 

  5. Just now, Clauds said:


    Girl, aren't you in pain from reaching so hard? o.o



    As for Devon, she's such a dumbass but I love her, she serves me Paris Hilton realness :rofl:


    Oh the resident HBIC of the mean girl squad has taken notice of me! I’m so honored. 




    And if anyone knows about reaching its you and fellow Elsa fans doing all kinds of backwards reasoning reaching for the FB for Elsa for the past two years with no luck.


    So let’s not talk about reaching, mkay?

  6. 7 minutes ago, toodarnhot said:



    We were arguing with you because your arguements were so laughably wrong everyone but you could see it but keep congratulating yourself I guess.  

     Oh shut up. My main argument was that with things being different this year, ruling out a FB reveal on GMA was premature. That’s it. Still having comprehension problems I see? Sad. 


    Doubly sad if Elsa actually gets the FB - she’ll be the least noticed/cared about angel to get it ever. And that’ll be by design from VS themselves. That says something not good to me, I’ll just put that nicely. 


    And lastly, if you want to talk crap, don’t be scared and write in small letters. I’m not. Say it with your chest. You all are so eager to talk crap but aren’t tough enough to write in a normal font. Lol! Triply sad!

  7. Congrats to the 1 or 2 people who actually used their brains, didn’t submit to groupthink which is so prevalent on here and guessed correctly that the show was moving from CBS to ABC. 


    Even though I was wrong I did make compelling points (which I’ll get to in a second) and I think I inspired people to think outside the box. Which is what is supposed to happen on a discussion forum - you know, where people discuss topics at hand and don’t act like mean, deranged sheeple. 


    At this rate, I wonder if there is even a fantasy bra this year. Because per my earlier posts, at this rate, they might as well wait until taping day for a reveal. 


    But then again that’s not fair to the angel who wears the bra to have to compete with fans clamoring for information about their favorite performers (especially with such a large lineup, there are a lot of fan bases) nor is it fair for the angel to have to compete for press since the press will be clamoring to cover Kendall and Gigi. 


    If if I was the FB angel this year, I would not be happy because I’d miss out on my HBIC status, at least a significant part of it. In that case maybe Elsa should get if after all, lol!

  8. 4 hours ago, PastaFreak said:


    Where you at gurl @Bonjour Bianca ? We need your dose of common sense. 





    Oh shut up. I was wrong. I admit it. Happy now? Are you 12 years old? Or actually, that’s not fair to 12 year olds, are you 8? 


    Like I said, I’m not scared of you nor your mean girl bully tatics. Nor anyone else.


    I guess I am impressed that you’re 8 years old and can write in complete, complex sentences. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, toodarnhot said:

    I’m not talking about Lais. The model who has the bra this year knows. 


    Also there is no way in hell Martha has had her fitting and still doesn’t know what the bra looks like. :rofl: In what world does that make sense? Martha went to the VS offices for 4 hrs to NOT be fitted in her outfit? Okurrrrrrr. 


    I don’t care if you’re not talking about Lais. 


    At the end of the day, all that matters is the fact that they did things differently with Lais last year, they are doing things differently this year, so they could be doing the FB reveal differently (possibly on GMA as well). 


    Like, why do you have a hard time comprehending this fact?


    It doesn’t make sense TO ME to have two angels who don’t have a special role in the show to do major press for it, a week out from the taping of the show on a network that the show is not airing on. Especially when we still don’t know who is wearing the FB. 


    That’s literally all I’m saying. 


    I guess I have to repeat myself because this is too hard for you all to comprehend? 


    And for the record - I’m not going to take you and @PastaFreak mean girl antics lightly. I’ll get down in the dirt with you both and anyone else if I have to. 


    I’m not scared of you or anyone else on BZ. Let’s just establish that now. Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it. 


    ETA: my absence had to do with being very busy and having a life and better things to do than the post on BZ about VS. That’s a thing you know. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, toodarnhot said:

    The model with the bra already knows. There’s no surprise reveal. :ninja: 


    Lais did not know she had the bra until fittings last year. Do you not remember that? Martha could know she has the bra but not what it looks like. 


    As I’ve said previously, VS is obviously trying to do things differently this year. What that means, we don’t know, its all speculation from everyone at this point until the FB is revealed.


    Last year with Lais plus the secrecy surrounding this year means I’m willing to believe anything can happen. 


    ETA: I already said what you just said in your post. Also surprise reveal to the Martha regarding how it looks not that she has it or not. Understand now?

  11. 8 minutes ago, ceceshores said:

    The difference is in 2015 and 2016 the model getting the FB was told she was getting it by/around other angels, they didn't have to share the moment of revealing it with the other models. It wasn't done on a national TV program either. The FB model has never had to share press with someone else there while promoting the bra. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me to have it done on GMA the way some people are speculating and that has nothing to do with the models involved. I'd be saying this if it were Elsa and Behati or Candice and Taylor too. If it turns out they do reveal it that way, it's lame af and I feel sorry for the girl who's wearing it because she doesn't get her own moment.


    I was wondering that too, if they were going back to ABC.


    The FB angel at this point is getting screwed regardless since she doesn’t have an extended period of time to be doted on seeing as the show taping is a week away. 


    So what does it matter that another angel is there when the reveal is done? If the reveal does in fact happen on GMA, Martha will know she has the bra but might not know how it looks (her US weekly article describing her looks could’ve been fed to her). It’s still a surprise reveal. And as I stated previously Jasmine might have revealed to Martha that she gets to wear it in a tape they can show before Martha does her own solo press on GMA. Why they would feature Jasmine in the announcement? To throw fans off some (no matter how silly that seems). 


    It still makes no sense to me to have Jasmine and Martha make an announcement about performers on GMA. They could do that either on CBS or VS could do that in a press release.


    *Why have angels who are not wearing the bra/don’t have a significant special part in the show do the first significant press for the show? Makes no sense.*

  12. One more thing. Martha and Jasmine may very well not do a studio appearance. GMA could show a tape of a possible FB reveal and then maybe Martha still can do an in studio press day on GMA?


    Seeing as it doesn’t look like either one of them were pulling press looks today, that could be possible (and if Martha did get the FB, we probably wouldn’t see her picking her press looks either). So yeah, they both don’t have to be in studio. Jasmine could be in a reveal video and Martha could be live in studio.


    Again, if we don’t get a reveal tomorrow whoever wears the bra is not getting fair treatment, IMO because time is ticking. 

  13. 24 minutes ago, medicenevs said:

    If you really think the angel who got it (call it Martha, Elsa, Behati or f whatever) will reveal the FB with other angel by her side... I'm not the one who need to use the brain but ok.:rofl:


    So you’re just going to ignore my second post where I said it’s not fair to do a reveal on Friday (people are checked out because it’s the weekend) or the actual taping day because someone else can steal the FB angel’s thunder. And an announcement on Monday-Wednesday would be way less time for the angel to bask in the glow of being this year’s HBIC as well.


    Truth be told, this year’s FB angel is getting screwed, period. A reveal tomorrow, even with another angel, slightly lessens getting screwed over. Maybe the previous year FB reveals happened too early but at least those angels got to be the special bitch for a few weeks before show talk took over. 


    This year’s FB angel isn’t even getting that. 


    ETA: If my fave hadn’t received the FB yet, I wouldn’t want them to get it this year, personally. I’d rather take my chances next year, no matter how slim. 


    ETA 2: This also makes me think it’s not Behati because with her musician/tv star husband, I think VS would want to milk that for all it’s worth and we would’ve had the reveal before now. I just don’t see them giving Behati a rushed FB even if she hasn’t worked for the past 2 years. 


    ETA 3: VS has totally done reveals with other angels present, see 2015 and 2016! The only thing that’s different is that it might happen on GMA. And seeing as they’re trying to do different things this year, this could be another example of that. Like looking back at previous years for this year doesn’t make much sense since things are not happening the way they’ve happened in the past. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, medicenevs said:

    Y'all are about to be dissapointed when the FB reveal doesn't happen at the GMA thing... The angel that gets the FB doesn't do press with other angels, it just doesn't happen. It's an special moment that that whoever gets it won't be sharing the spotlight.


    If the FB does get revealed tomorrow and it’s not on GMA doesn’t that mean that the FB angel technically doesn’t have the whole special day to herself anyway? Since others angels also did major press on that day?


    And for them to wait for a slow news day (Friday) for the reveal or next week, isn’t fair to the FB angel either. I mean, I guess they can wait until the day of the actual taping to make it a big surprise and then the FB angel does her solo press after but even that isn’t fair because they’ll be competing with news/buzz from the performers, nepotism models and other angels who might have better outfits/look better/have a viral moment like falling or a killer walk, etc. I’d be piss if I had to wait for a day of show taping reveal just to have something like the aforementioned happen. Pissed. 


    Use your brains, people. 


    Or not. We’ll see soon enough anyway. 


    ETA: Jasmine already got the FB so I have nothing to be disappointed about tomorrow, she’s doing major press and will look good so I’m good. It’s you Elsa fans who need to get some objectivity about the situation. 

  15. If everyone on BZ/in the VS fandom didn’t hate Jasmine and Martha to a lesser extent maybe you all could look at things more objectively? 


    Only a few of you think this GMA appearance is FB related and I agree with those who do.


    Think about it. If the show tapes on November 8th tomorrow marks a week before the taping. So the FB announcement has to come ASAP. Why would VS book an appearance on a competing network to just talk about performers? It doesn’t work like that. If VS wanted to use a tv show to announce information that is usually announced in a press release, why not do it on CBS, the network that airs the show and not ABC. If you are the star of a CBS show you don’t do press for your show on ABC’s GMA. Other daytime shows or late night shows sure, but typically not the competing network’s morning show. 


    Also, let’s be real. Martha is definitely a 2nd tier angel (that might very well change with GMA tomorrow and an FB announcement) so if she has the choice between sharing her first press appearance with Jasmine or not getting the FB at all, I’m sure she’d share it with Jasmine. 


    It actually makes sense, when you think about all the casting reveal videos where some angels told their friends they were walking the show.  And since Jasmine is the last American angel to get the FB and seems friendly enough with Martha, that makes sense to me. Whether Jasmine has her own announcement like a SO or show opening or not. 


    Besides, I’m sure Martha will have other solo press opportunities. She’ll probably do the Thanksgiving parade again if she got the FB for instance. 


    Again, it makes no sense to have VS angels announce performers on a competing network when that information can be shared in a press release. I think what’s going to happen on GMA will be big and that most likely means the FB. 


    Being objective would really help some of you out (and spare you from disappointment). It’d help you set your expectations accordingly. 

  16. On 9/20/2018 at 11:21 AM, Chessie said:


    Oh, Jasmine presence as an Angel is definitely not strong at all. The only thing that she does remarkable for VS is JOJA and 90% of people hates it. She doesn't do HF shows, she is not that Instagram popular, doesn't get any big jobs or covers and her VS stuff is always forgetable, yo' finding confessions (positive or negative) on ig it's very weird. She got the FB 2 years ago and still couldn't make herself shine more after that. Unlike Lais that put herself in the spotlight. I love Jasmine, she has one of the best walks atm, she always deliver everything perfectly, but she is not the Angel they need right now. 


    I always laugh when Elsa Hosk fans want to look their noses down on Jasmine, as if Elsa is akin to Kate Moss. Jasmine doesn't do high fashion shows because she doesn't have to any more. She has walked the top shoes for every major city during fashion month - Calvin Klein (NY), Burberry (London), Prada (Milan) and Chanel (Paris). Like, has Elsa done that at all in her career? Has she walked top shows and even completed a fashion month? Jasmine has more instagram followers than Martha (who once had Taylor Swift's backing) and for someone who put herself out there Lais sure doesn't have anything to show for it since she doesn't even have 2 million on IG. And she's just getting her Maxim cover when Jasmine got hers a couple short months after her bra.


    And if Jasmine doesn't get big covers, neither does Elsa since Elsa's biggest covers (Vogue Spain, American Elle and Maxim) are covers Jasmine has also landed. As a matter of fact, Jasmine's American Elle editorial from earlier this year was reprinted on Elle Canada's cover - making her a cover star this year along with Natalie Portman, Daisy Ridley, etc. That's a much bigger cover than Elsa's Elle's Italia or Issue covers. You Elsa fans are really funny with your I love Jasmine disclaimers but then describe 50 reasons why she sucks.



    On 9/20/2018 at 2:39 PM, Andrew Van Der Hypp said:

     Duckie because she’s already more well-known than Jasmine (outside of the fashion industry) and on social media


    Where? How does someone who has only 1 million IG followers and who is not posted regularly on an IG with 60 million followers more known and has a greater social media following than someone with 3 million IG followers and almost 100k on twitter? Who has had multiple tv appearances on both morning shows, prime time shows, cable tv (MTV). compared to someone who hasn't at all? I guess obsessing over the fantasy bra means the VS fandom lives in a fantasy, alternate universe where facts don't matter.


    17 hours ago, PastaFreak said:

    No one ever said that Lameka will replace Jasmine, the question was if VS intends to do that. Please, as much Jasmine and Lameka are very different people, Lais too. VS probably doesn't give two cents about having a WoC on the color spectrum. Like, if that was the case, then I nominate Sui to be an angel on the a basis that she's whiter than most whites :rofl: That would be absurd.@Clauds


    Imagine typing all that contradictory drivel and not saying anything at all.  If your original post was not about Lameka replacing Jasmine why wouldn't you say Lais as well? Own you opinions and don't try to weasel out of them when someone pushes back on you.

  17. 6 hours ago, PastaFreak said:

    Nothing about Lameka is unique, and it makes me question if they're getting another black angel because Jasmine's presence as an angel just isn't strong enough. 


    Why do you assume Lameka would replace Jasmine? Look at Lameka's skin and then Jasmine and then Lais'. There's a reason why Lais shoots with Imaan or Cindy or even Lameka, they want to see which light skinned black girl sells at Lais' levels so they can replace Lais.

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