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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. What for ?!! I'll charge you back...
  2. Goodbye Destiny's pure heart....
  3. Awww Morgan and Ophelia, you 2 are so cute Just so you know Morgan, you're very welcome in here and by the way, i'm the nicest girl on Bellazon, i'm kind of shy and hardly talk to strangers, but you can count on me anytime you need . Oh and mbinebri, F*CK OFF !!! :persuazn: That's all.
  4. STOOOOP ITTTT !!!! :persuazn: :persuazn: :persuazn:

  5. Heather the great welcome you back. You may continue... :shifty:

  6. Aww.... how nice of you. Now spit the blue ones out.
  7. Selita: "hey, dont touch my balls!!!"
  8. Awesome!!! I think we all should change our signatures into "I love The Joker til death" as a welcoming present to her. I approve this and you all are welcome.
  9. I have a lot of money, as you may know...
  10. Ahahahaha..... There, you got my laughter. Now go on...
  11. Yeah, and somehow i should change my user name into I_love_Adriana.
  12. ^ I'll be nice this time, but just this time. Why didn't you read what was going on in here first ?!!
  13. No, it's not a repost !!! I think this could only make guys love her more.
  14. Dude, that's your bike ?!! *he'd better not mean the Mazda behind *
  15. Hi im Ange. You cant buy me im one Heather's best maid. SEE YA DONT WANNA BE YA !!!! :blah:

  16. :shock: GRRR...


    Hi, Im mbinebri. Im Heather's sex slave and you'd better get your hands off of my queen.


    You have been warned.


    Love, Mbinebri.

  17. :shock: Gisele Bundchen.... SHE'S SO IT!!!!
  18. How dare you to add Heather The Great as one of your human friends ?!! You'd better create a god list for me right now. :persuazn: . *eats fish*

  19. BAHAHAHHA.... Recuerde, soy un genio. :evil: That is all. You may continue....
  20. too bad she's from Venezuela might wanna rephrase that in spanish then it's good :| oHmyGoD lIkE... yOu shoUld sEe hIs faCe wHeN hE cAmE tO mE aLL haPpY.... ROFLMAOLOL hAhaHahA......
  21. "bidding" ?! Bahahha.... i traded my cat's hair-ball for him at the international sex slave convention. *speaks Brazillian* Ohmigawd leik.... u shud see his fcae wen he came 2 me allllll happpppppyyyyyyyyyy..... JJAJAJAJAJAJJAJA . ROFLMAOLOL HAHAHA...UAHSAUHSUAHSUHASHAUHS ....
  22. AND YOU FORGOT A " . " AFTER " *checks spellling* " TO COMPLETE YOUR SENTENCE. DAMN IT !!!

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