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The Joker

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Posts posted by The Joker

  1. ^ DING!!!! In ya face, Matt.

    Round 1

    Andreina : 1

    Mbinebri : 0

    pfff Naomi "owns" the catwalk, well people say that, but im afraid her call is over its all Poly now, i never liked Naomi..


    You would so beat Natasha or Naomi If the contest was "how dumb can you be ?", VivaLaLima.


    I'll vote next round.

  2. Ok Irene. I don't know if this's the one you're talking about but i'm looking at a fish face in your avatar with a green hook on the bottom left. Your signature is a naked masculine zombie with a little .gif on the right. Correct ?!!

  3. Oh yeah, when i saw that outfit i thought Edward Razek (VS's chief) was going to pop up on screen and laugh at my nose : "AHAHAHA, you stupid whore actually watch this ??!! AAAAAAH-HAHAHHAHAHA......" - Strange, but true !!! :mellow:

  4. Actually no, Baron. On the contrary, i absolutely agree with you, i just don't go that far. Perhaps you should read one of my old post...

    Okay i'll be a dork for once in a life time. :shifty:

    Sensitive crying fans, please try to skip this very post. Your effort is my 5 minutes cussing-free. Thank you. :flower:

    1. Which theme overall did you like the most?

    - Blade Runner. It's cool.

    2. Which five models looked the best?

    - Andi Muise, Heidi Klum, Morgane Dubled, Karolina Kurkova and Inguna. (Izabel comes really close with that red outfit, YUM!!!).

    3. Which theme{s} didn't you like?

    - The shitty pink theme. Why the hell did everygirl have to carry a ....a...thigh plate again ?! I once heard the plate said " Hippie chick". :confused: Pshh, it looked more like bandaged chick to me. <_< Moving on!!!

    4. Which five models could of looked a lot better?

    - Jessica Stam : After forcing her at gunpoint to put on those amazingly creepy outfits, i bet the Victoria's Secret chief has also voodooed her for that stumble. Seriously....

    - Selita Ebanks : She could have looked a million times better if she didn't exist. Enough said. High fiiiive!!!!

    - Eugenia V : *yawns*

    The rest looked pretty good so they're off my hook. :whistle:

    5. Is there anything you would of changed about this years show?

    - I would so f*cking replace Seal's diamond encrusted pajama outfit with anything of the human wear. His old halloween costume looked so much better.


    - The music sucks big ass. We all have different taste i know but whoever picked those tracks must be the spawn of Hitler. DIEEEE... <_<

    - I'd warn the girls before the show : anyone throwing your hands in the air will be fired.

    6. What were your overall fav outfits of the show..

    Adriana, Isabeli, Karolina, Alessandra, Izabel and Andi's.

    748180001h123756lolq3.th.jpg 748320006h123766loyo2.th.jpg 752880031h123647lofk3.th.jpg

    753120040h123222loby9.th.jpg 755920054h12381looq4.th.jpg x001869mz6ft0.th.jpg

    7. What outfits do you hate the most?


    - As if she hasn't looked like sh*t already, VS threw in more yellow crap on her. Poor Selita, she even had to carry 2 zombie hands touching her shit around.


    - Lemme guess, hippie lady liberty chick ?!! Awww, how bullshitalicious. NEXT!!!!


    - I don't know what were they thinking but ninja turtle outfit was NOT made to be sexy.


    - This is the contest winner right ?!! I think whoever won that contest has to make their own outfit also. Poor girl. At least she caught up on that shitty "hippie chick'' bandage.


    - This is exactly what George Bush should equip our soldiers with. Think of how many soldiers we could have saved in the Irag war with that cuirass. Oh man....


    - Maybe VS is promoting their new recyled lingeries line. That's why instead of tossing all those left over ties and bows away, they had Marisa carry them.

    There're more shitty outfits to talk about but i'm so freaking tired so blah.....

  5. Those are deep, Baron. I think it's pretty cool people actually sit down and analyze an outfit. As for a sucker like me, i would only watch and wonder why there's such a weird walking thing on the runway.... ? The rest doesn't matter. And if i'm sucker to surrealism, everybody is (There might be a few exception, teeheehee...).

  6. Consider farting if you wanna break up with your loved one. It's best for a break-up reason beside "MWahahaha, watch me as i roll in your money, boyfriend" don't you think ?!!

  7. Bullshit and "Bullshit" in philosophy

    In his 1986 essay On Bullshit, philosopher Harry Frankfurt of Princeton University characterizes bullshit as a form of falsehood distinct from lying. The liar, Frankfurt holds, knows and cares about the truth, but deliberately sets out to mislead instead of telling the truth. The bullshitter, on the other hand, does not care about the truth and is only seeking to impress.

    Credit to answers.com :heart:

  8. i wanna see her tattoos :chicken:

    post it,heather.

    Sure. Actually i think she has 4. What is it on her ring finger ?!!


    And you can see the star here (and her iphone's too :evil: )


    This's the dragonfly


    I don't have the rest. Maybe moffins does. Ask her.

  9. I got bored so I just added up all the scores. If you want I can send them to you.. I'm looking at two sets of scores {with and without nothingless` scores added in}

    Random fact : Joker's essay is still waiting for someone with a merciful heart... :mellow:


    My list :

    1. Gisele Bundchen

    2. Andi Muise

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