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The Joker

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Status Updates posted by The Joker

  1. Maybe, Sarah is trying to invite me, i hope it'll work. Why ?

  2. Maybe, Sarah is trying to invite me, i hope it'll work. Why ?


  4. Mbinebri is drunk again *sighs and drags him home* , hahaha...

  5. Meeh nothing much. I'm enjoying my last day being 19. I'm going to be oooold.

  6. meeh. Whats your MSN ? or yahoo whatever ??! :shisfty:

  7. Merry Christmas and hey... how do you know ?!!

  8. Merry Christmas Jens.

  9. MESMEL NEEDS A AVATAR !!! :shouts:

  10. Mesmelies !!!!!

  11. Million thanks for the VS video.

  12. Miss ya too, booboo. OMG, don't be picky on the sexes when you're begging for grade.


    And wait, i'm not on your friend list ?! How dare you ??!!!!!

  13. Mwahhaha.... :shifty: That explains pretty much everything right??!! Now have fun !!! Thiss a great community, you'll like it. :poof:

  14. My apology for the double comment but i forot about "can I also say then that I take your breath away?"


    Here's my response : " HAHAHAHA..... " . That's all.

  15. My honor, Miss Sweetandlow !! MWahahaha... :rofl:

  16. My mind..... my man is here too. HAHAHAHAAAAA.........

  17. My pleasure Miss. tuhreese. LOL

  18. My sister fights with her husband and takes me and her kid to our cousin's house. I HATE IT !!!!!!!!! I WANNA GO BACK TO LA !!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. My yahoo messenger froze, i cant reply... :(

  20. Nice try, cloner.

  21. NO TEASING ON MY BOOBIES !!! :persuazn:

  22. No worries. I made everythread at BZ my own. *continues sleeping*

  23. No, and i wont. That's a promise from The Joker, uh huh.


    That came out wrong. :/

  24. No, but i have to, its Easters Friday and Im Catholic. Hello....*knocks knocks*

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