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Neils von Zeppelin

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About Neils von Zeppelin

  • Birthday 02/18/1990

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    The Golden State

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  1. I offer my sincerest apologies for this stupid and wicked thought, alas the two often go together. In fact this " idea " came from a Conference I saw in Ted.com. I wanted to give you the reference but unfortunately I can not find anything .... Everything seems to have evaporated ....
  2. Hi Michael, Thank you for understanding. A Yes I encountered strange difficulties with my old account. Some examples the first password was no longer " working " and two new ones either. I had the big surprise to see several messages that I had never posted .... ?? When I created a new account Werner von Zeppelin the system response was there is already an account WvZ .... ? ! Now I am summoned by the " Bellazon Court " as a " war criminal ". All this is a ridiculous waste time and a mess ! B On your very nice forum of discussion I read that the German Language is " the ugliest ". If you imagine that this person has never read a single line of a Great German Poet you will easily understand that it is a masterpiece of stupidity. Other great intelligences of BZ follow the same path all German are very vulgar, German Culture is 0 + O really has no interest and no futur ! And so forth, allow me not to insist. Enrico talks about my " huge misunderstanding " on cultural questions and afterwards in an e mail of innocent little jokes. Obviously Michael you are not the conductor of this concert of stupidities. You will certainly understand that I prefer to read a Great Poem of Holderlin or few pages of Also Sprach Zarathustra. These works are infinitely rich and lead to Great Enigmas. The Philosophy and poetry of Nietzsche is different it is in itself an Enigma. All this is billions of years light away from BZ. And I say this without any trace of contempt. C I work in a research field where Great Challenges lie ahead of us. At the end of the month a colleague - friend and me we go to Switzerland. He is Canadian, I let you imagine his reaction when I talked to him of " l'exception culturelle de la France ". It was a great fun ! On this subject you can read a remarkable book Pierre Rosanvallon " La crise de l'Etat - providence " can only be in French ? It is true I am good, really good, even on the subjects I know almost nothing. " I'm so smart that sometimes I do not understand what I'm saying " Oscar Wilde In Geneve Geneva at the CERN the European Organization for Nuclear Research we will try to deepen our knowledge on phenomena that remain obscure. In other words I have no more time to spend to BZ. Add to this my girlfriend is " not very pleased " to see me look at top models. She is not jealous, she has no reasons to be jealous but she finds it " a little childish " and I agree. Forgive me for being so long to reach a simple and clear conclusion remove all, get rid of it, the sooner the better. I will post a last message to Sanni and then the end of this little cock and bull story. Holderlin " Die Vogel ohne Angst sie gehen weg " The birds without fear they go away
  3. Sanni you have friends Enrico the Mighty Prophet, JJ3 Egérie of French Spirit, superGirl who speaks several languages fluently, Stromboli who went to Harvard, CultIcon the Power of American Psychology. What could be better than that ? I am only a beginner in Cosmology Study but I will entrust you a Secret. In our Universe there is someone who awaits you with great impatience. You and only You.
  4. You did not retain anything from Maria Vargas Llosa .... What do not surprise me. Back to GATT it is for you the main thing .... The idea of the French cultural exception is still relevant. Go to Gouvernement.fr and you will read " the various actions carried out by the Gouvernement to defend the French cultural exception ". Here and there I read " A system which favors the phenomena of caste and which impairs creativity " " the cultural exception a dangerous slogan for French creation ". I do not go further it is obvious to your eyes that they are words of poor imbeciles .... Now I am going to give you a personal interpretation. On this very nice forum of discussion JJ3 will probably again throw me in the face the coarsest word of the very beautiful French language m.... but I do not care. The French cultural exception is the daughter of the Welfare State " l'Etat Providence ". A State that can do everything in all areas .... Actions .... Thought .... I will go a little further .... The " concept " of cultural exception is a screen of black smoke intended to mask the very deep weaknesses of French society. - 5 millions unemployed according to Gouvernement statistics. Unfortunately many say they are much more numerous perhaps 6 or 7 millions. By despair they have abandoned the system of l'Etat Providence. - A State sitting on mountains of debts " criblé de dettes ". I threw a glance at the latest French news. According to experts the budget of France is " insincere ". The new Premier Ministre intervened on French TV to say that the previous Gouvernement had " forgotten " the budget of Justice. L ' Etat Providence lives very clearly above its means. For years you claim " next year it will be settled " and you have lost all credibility with your European Partners. - How many millions of French are in the extreme right ? During demonstrations they sing the refrain of l'exception culturelle française ? - Descartes showed the overriding importance of " la générosité " in morality. Your dear friend JJ3, who is an expert in the Philosophy of Descartes, will explain to you this " délicate question ". Angela Merkel has created a vast plan to accommodate migrants. What did France do ? Almost nothing .... I will not continue, I have enough. We are Sunday, it will be a beautiful day in California. I will go out with my girlfriend and have a good time. Monday morning the whole team has an appointment with experts in artificial intelligence. We are all very excited. Can artificial intelligence helps us solve very difficult problems ? Wow Adieu .... Bon Voyage .... For the second time have the courtesy not to send e mail. Your passion for " l'exception culturelle ", you hatred of the German, their culture, their philosophy, their poesy, their language, their vulgarity .... etc .... Couldn't care less !
  5. ^^^^ About cultural issues your " serious sources " are GATT trade agreement and The Financial Times .... Personally I chose a great writer Mario Vargas Llosa : " Cultures must live in the open air, be exposed to constant comparisons with other cultures that renew and enrich them, allowing them to grow and adapt to the constant flows of life ". jj3 + Enrico Prophet = ? May be something as " asinus asinum fricat " jj3 Vous avez la naive prétention de croire que je tente de vous persuader " de la grandeur culturel de l'Allemagne " .... culturelle s'il vous plait ! C'est relativement amusant de vous voir jouer au professeur de français, d'ergoter sur un apparent pléonasme et immédiatement employer l'un des mots les plus grossiers de votre belle langue m.... C'est " assez amusant " de vous voir donner des leçons sur la philosophie de Descartes. Que savez vous de l'idée de mouvement chez Descartes, de la détermination du monde comme " res extensa ", de " l'ego cogito ", du problème du je et du monde .... Cela suppose entre autres de lire " Sein und Zeit " .... Ah mon Dieu quelle horreur ! Un livre écrit dans la plus horrible des langues. I wonder why I'm wasting time fighting the windmills of sophisms. PS Do not e mail me, this kind of messages goes directly into spam.
  6. ^^^^ A very funny misinterpretation, " huge misunderstanding "....The " problem " doesn't arise .... Translation from French Wikipedia : " The French Cultural Exception is an expression used to characterize certain current or past specificities of France in relation to other European countries or even the world in the cultural sector ". " current cultural specificities of France " What does that mean ? " even the World " Congratulation to France .... Vous etes admirable ! .... On this " Wonder of Nature " Mario Vargas Llosa Nobel Prize of Literature : " The threat to Flaubert and Debussy does not come from the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park but from the group of little demagogues and chauvinists who speak of French culture as it were a mummy that can not be removed from its room because exposure to fresh air would cause it to disintegrate ". The group = le ramassis According to JP Feldman the cultural exception is " the symptom of a society that curls up on itself " Ich habe noch nie den Ausdruck " die deutsche kulturelle Ausnahme " gehort. Bizarre .... Comme c'est bizarre ....
  7. Few words for everyone and anyone. " Life .... More mysterious - from the day when the great liberator came upon me, the thought that we were permitted to see in life an experimentation of knowledge ".
  8. Source Vogue Alexandre Vauthier Unhappily I'm not sure she is Daphné Groeneveld ?
  9. Sasha Luss at Alexandre Vauthier Source Vogue
  10. Losing an animal is a very deep sorrow .... Sometimes more important than the loss of an human. When the time will be .... Welcome host a new animal. No two animals are alike.
  11. " Wo, wo leuchten sie denn, die fernhintreffenden Spruche ? Delphi schlummert und wo tonet das grosse Geschick ? " Holderlin
  12. I would like to be at the Cassini Team' s breakfast together Tradition.
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