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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. Chica! Ha sido un largo tiempo...

  2. Ciao, chica - I'm away now until mid-August. I wouldn't want you to worry!

  3. Ciao, ciao - I hope to see you here when I get back... Don't forget about me!!!

  4. Cintia avatar... Lordy! Yes please!

  5. Claro! And yes, me - and Jamie Bloody Strachan!!!

  6. Cold and wet! Was supposed to attend a family christening, but my ride fell ill (she's OK now though). Not Speedos weather (is it ever? REALLY?!) And yours?

  7. Come to my thread and look who's been during the night! I must have been a good boy this year... ;)

  8. Coming back to the UK for Xmas - and seeing Big Pink in Portsmouth on the 17th. GEAR!

  9. Congratulations! Your prize is on the thread..!

  10. Copy and blurbs for magazines and newspapers. It's an 'assistant' course for the main Writing and Journalism courses... I'm a special guest for this term only - catch me while you can!

  11. Currently concocting dastardly disses!

  12. Currently in the UK and watching back-to-back 'Angry Boys'... NATHAN!

  13. dadadada-dada-dada-dumdumdumdum-Wonder Woman!!!

  14. Damn - and I can't mark you down just to make myself feel better!!!

  15. Damn it - then you can cuss me in two languages that I won't understand! Should you want to, of course. And I can see no reason why one would want to bad-mouth a man such as I!!!

  16. damn it - your last post in my thread isn't showing up! *grumble*

  17. DAMN IT! You got blackrain(ed) AGAIN?!?!

  18. Damn Locke - but he couldn't catch me this time!

  19. Der Humpink is wonderful!!! He's fast becoming my new hero... My friend, you need to post that in the ODDITORIUM, pronto.

  20. Despite your continued absence in my thread and distinct lack of communication of late - I'd like to wish your good Canuck self a Feliz Cumplea

  21. Did you hear The Big Pink cancelled their dates? Held over until Feb... Got my "cultural" fix via Fratton Park and the 'El Clasicoast' instead today.

  22. Did you inform Joe that he'd spelt your name wrong (in his sig credit)? I notice it has now been corrected... Ah, a typical Average-ism!!!

  23. Did you know 'Yakthing' is a real life surname?!! What a terrible burden...

  24. Did you see Rooney's FULL outburst? He carried on after that, with some effing and jeffing (on TV here) but I've not seen anything more about it...

  25. Did you see them all yet? I'd hate to drop any spoilers!

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