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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. You all right, my flaming sorceress? I do like your Top 20 list, btw. As ever, a woman of fine taste...

  2. Glad to have you on the Lais Navarro 'Juggernaut'(?) That makes maybe 5 of us... What's wrong with people - she's spectacular! Have to appreciate your signature too, btw.

  3. Love the Lais editorials - my thanks! I do believe I'll have to get a new set from the 'Urban Decay' ones - FABULOUS...

  4. Glad to find you alive and well!!! (Nice Twain comeback.) Just trying to steer your ship in the face of absolute bedlam! Well, I exaggerate somewhat... Made it to Spain yet?

  5. Haven't had the chance to see non-Ron Utd. yet. But both Man City and Real can't seem to just buy themselves a brilliant team - and that's a positive thing, no? Management and teamwork...

  6. Just saw Senor Ronaldo's 'La Liga' debut for Real Madrid... It wasn't all that!!!

  7. Hope to find you well good sir, it's been a long time since our paths crossed... Feliz cumpleanos!

  8. Question is, Hime - WHICH calendar are you putting on your 'wish list'?!?!

  9. Hope you had time to have a "good, long think" about your behaviour!!! Enjoying your choices, and nice to have a new player on the thread. Regards.

  10. <3 back at you - Forty thousand brothers could not, with all their quantity of love, make up my sum...

  11. And you know I'm going to write you one back! But, just to make your page that much prettier, Feliz Cumpleanos!!!

  12. aint'cha gonna say hello then?

  13. 'PRINCESS' - happy birthday! Kiss a few frogs, see what happens...

  14. Yes - and too bloody right! They 'reappeared' about 2 months ago. But they should NEVER have gone down in the first place!!!

  15. All the better for being welcomed back to your bosom..!

  16. You seem plenty 'perked up' and PiP'ish to me, my dear!

  17. I reckon it's going to take me a few days to get though all the good stuff you've posted in my absence!!! Thanks.

  18. A pleasure to have you visit my thread! Bring on those behatted dogs...

  19. I've come back especially to wish you well, my favourite 'agent provocateur'. Feliz Cumpleanos and acid besos...

  20. Hey there, you angel you...

  21. Nice to know people were looking out for me! Seems I've just missed your birthday too - feliz cumpleanos, amiga. Vino tinto (de la casa!!!) all round...

  22. Ah, Captain Solo - forgive the delay, I've been away. That lady is Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and it's a gif from the film 'Death Proof'. I hope to find you well?

  23. My Friends list is short - but all the better for your inclusion!!!

  24. Seems an age since I had the pleasure of interacting with you, my dear... Besos, as ever sweet O!

  25. Sure is a fine set!

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