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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. How about a 600lbs porn sensation? There's a fetish for everyone, so somebody would be pleased! Maybe...

  2. How about a birthday snog?

  3. How are things extranjero?

  4. How are you coping with Alina's nuptials? *sigh*

  5. How come all these visitors don't comment when they're here? Just been to see your memo: the Candice story was heartbreaking..!

  6. HOW DARE YOU! That song belongs to our 'Queen of Hearts' - and on the week before her son's wedding too... She'll be looking down on him you know? Raised him proper. One of us she was - if your dad was an Earl that is. The People's Princess. God bless her. Etc. Etc.

  7. How many yellows?!! Surprised only 1 man got sent off. And Robben was SO angry... Are your 'in-laws' going crazy?

  8. How you loving the VSFS so far? It's not even started yet!

  9. How'd you do... The lady is Behati Prinsloo.

  10. I "remember" - but I still like to be told a lot!

  11. I always think of that Susan Boyle moment when it comes to things like that - when she appeared on a Brit 'talent' show everybody assumed she'd be a joke because she wasn't "attractive". It's idiotic how we equate looks with talent, they are NOT mutually exclusive!

  12. I AM home safe and sound!!!

  13. I believe irensitiQ used to call her 'Behottie' waay back - but 'Behati The Hottie' is all yours! (I prefer Baroness!!!)

  14. I can't hear you... I said BZ - ARE YOU READY TO ROCK?

  15. I couldn't look at anything else - so I haven't watched the videos yet!!! Thanks for the fix though...

  16. I did indeed have a good night - and a good day today (hence the lateness of this reply!)... Good year so far then! Hope all is well with you, and yours was similarly successful?

  17. I did, and I felt it yesterday! Ach, body not as young as it was - but mind still makes up for it!!!

  18. I didn't realise you could comment on these! DO you know what's going on then???

  19. I do hope you got back all safe and sound my dear..?

  20. I do hope you saw that Candice has answered your pressing 'quotes' question? There's been a 'Totally Spurious ' backlog (such HIGH demand!) - but I wanted you to know it's been dealt with...

  21. I don't CARE how many new members have joined since my last visit!

    1. Jennka


      Lol :) I feel like running around in circles and screaming "give me back my world!" :)

  22. I don't know - it's sponsored by Fosters though? I've just downloaded them all to iPod to watch on TV tomorrow... Cashback!

  23. I don't know Joe, probably... I have hiked up at Iguazu (near the Brasil border) but the country is large - you're effectively asking a New Yorker what it's like in Montana!

  24. I fear it is an age since I last attended to you... Ruadh gu brath!

  25. I figure I have my own thread to indulge my peccadilloes - so I can keep my 'About Me' page pure! For me, it's something nice to look at...

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