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Status Updates posted by TheBaronOfFratton

  1. Ach! Those kittens are a hundred times of 'wub'! Even looking at it too long could cause diabetes... Saludos.

  2. Your signature is so wonderfully zen! Every now and then it goes a little wonky (weird lines), and the birds kind of clean it up - if you know what I mean? Been watching for 'actual' minutes!

  3. Never fear - it is Spain. Sun'll be back tomorrow... At least I'm not in the UK anymore - chances of snow still (maybe!!!).

  4. Good luck with all that then - but know that you're missed!

  5. he/she has fed upon me - they are sated...

  6. Ja Ja! Thank you for the correction. My bosom is always open, should you need a pillow!!!

  7. Damn Locke - but he couldn't catch me this time!

  8. I thought we'd already settled on 'Shadow Priest'?!?!

  9. So "irregular" that I even went to the blog just to hear your voice!!! Glad to see my sobriquet 'icey' in use...

  10. Indeed it is Mr Poe - you know I have an affection for him, right? The quote is from him too.

  11. Have to salute you on that avatar too. That film is wincingly wonderful - but it has made me VERY wary of Japanese girls..!

  12. There's a light, a certain kind of light...

  13. Now you have power - don't be a fascist!

  14. Well, that's OK then! Btw, like the avatar - I seem to recall that form the long lost 'Bacchanalia' thread (now watered down as 'Models With Drinks'(!))

  15. Hey Eli, just wanted you to know that I did look for you - but I don't have any 20's style pictures at my disposal. 30's Art Deco though, plenty! Lo siento...

  16. I just saw - righteous Todd!

  17. Ja, much appreciated! I hope you didn't overindulge?

  18. Well I'm glad your OK Eli! Lovely and warm here - if that helps!!! Thanks for visiting my failed quiz, I left something there for you...

  19. Really? And what were you doing there? Whereabouts?

  20. Ah, but who wants 'classy' ALL of the time?!! I'm with you...

  21. "...best poll ever"? Oh, Joe - you've made my day. (Don't say it if you don't mean it though, my heart just couldn't take it!!!)

  22. When you consider it as (effectively) top vs. bottom, then there's not a wealth of difference between them. If the point deduction hadn't happened, and morale wasn't so low then - who knows?!!

  23. Now do I come out of 'retirement' for Battle of the Bods? Hmmm. I feel I should nominate someone...

  24. Hey, did you get my message? Don't want to post anything before you reply!

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