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Status Updates posted by mbinebri

  1. But I saw you online a few times the other day and just as I was about to IM you each time, you signed off. :cry:

  2. rofl: But I need to eat! I'll die if I don't, and then who would you talk to? And I've been on MSN like all day today (flirting with a German girl)! I'd say you need to get online and talk to me but I have to get food soon. :ninja: :rofl:

  3. That's a terrible excuse! :persauzn: Goddamn it, I can never remember how to spell that emoticon.

  4. Awesome tattoo, super sexy pic! Now all the guys who look at your profile will want to see it. And you can't show them! :ninja:

  5. Now you really have taken over my comments box! By the way, how do you like my new interests section in my profile? :p

  6. I could never get enough of your attention. :angel: I'm greedy like that. Do you think that's bad?

  7. How dare you spam my comment box?! Wait, scratch that. I should be flattered! :blush:

  8. :rofl: At first I thought it was a profile view of a rabbit!

  9. Well, you know the only way to solve this is... internet thumb wrestling.

  10. I see you lurking on my profile! :p I bet you're spying on what tuhreese says to me... :ninja:

  11. So you're coming over... tomorrow? And spending the weekend? :brows:

  12. Damn, you confused the hell out of me with that comment about margaritas! I thought you meant to post that somewhere else, and I would have been crushed.

  13. You can join us for round two. :shifty:

  14. :drool: Your new avatar is hot! What video is that from?

  15. And I haven't gotten a PM from you in like 12 days. :cry:

  16. And yes, I did hook up with Marisa! But I blew it when I called out your name instead of hers. :ninja: I blame this on you, so you'll have to make it up to me.

  17. You make this so complicated! How about when you come over, you just bring a suitcase with all your outfits and you can model a new one for me every night? :p

  18. Are you kidding? She and I went at it all night long!

  19. Maybe I'm psychic and therefore I know everything there is to know in the world... Such as what you look like naked. :ninja:

  20. ALL OF THEM! Mwahahahaha! *coughs*

  21. And I'm afraid I can't tell you what I did this weekend because I'm a secret agent like James Bond and so my activities are confidential.

  22. :rofl: Baby, you don't need to dream when you can have the real thing! But I'm glad I looked good for you!

  23. Maybe I just like to fantasize about you being hot... Or maybe I DO know what you look like. :shifty:

  24. You got on MSN, then got right back off. :cry:

  25. Lurking on my profile, huh? Don't make me come after you with my club! :ninja:

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