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Posts posted by Smarf

  1. 12 minutes ago, kthevs said:

    You make good points, but it's hyperbolic to say he can sleep whomever he wants whenever he wants. That implies that ALL women just sit around worshipping men and wanting their dongs 24/7. Give women more credit than that. Adam certainly has no shortage of women who want to sleep with him, but there are plenty of women who find guys like him to be "douchebags" and wouldn't be interested in someone like that.


    Time for you to learn to read. Where did I say anything about women?

  2. Let's be real. It's Adam Levine. He is a famous musician and has bragged about his sexual escapades for many years.


    The majority of men his position aren't likely to give up control of their sex life to just one woman when they could bang whoever they want, anytime they want.


    Behati is a famous model. She knew what she was getting into. It's entirely possible she's aware and has approved of it this entire time, which would also mean he's not lying when he stated, "I did not have an affair".

  3. Are we gonna believe random TikTokers?




    On Monday morning—just three days after Levine’s model wife Behati Prinsloo confirmed their third pregnancy with a photo of her growing bump—Instagram model Sumner Stroh dropped a bombshell TikTok in which Stroh alleges Levine “manipulated” her into having an affair. Stroh said that back in June, after months of not talking, DMed her on Instagram asking if Stroh is “ok with” him and his wife naming their forthcoming baby after her. Messy!

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