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Posts posted by Smarf

  1. 2 hours ago, Sanni said:

    I actually think it’s entirely possible she did not sleep with the Malaysian man. He seems the type that could be kept spending money without having to give him much more than a hug, a smile, and a kiss on the cheek. She knows that men would do anything to get to sleep with a VS model. If a regular guy had a chance to court any of these women, they would max out their credit cards, spend their 401k and ask for the family heirloom ring to impress the girl.


    I think her goal was to land a billionaire. She’s been with THREE it seems. She did the Hollywood star thing already so I think she decided to pursue some serious money after that.


    I suspect that her technique to have a billionaire fall for her is withholding sex while being sexy and flirty i.e. keep them wanting more till she is satisfied with her position.


    Not saying models being high class escorts doesn’t happen but I think Miranda was able the play the game at a higher level than an escort or a sugar baby due to her status as a top model.


    IMO there is a 0% chance that she didn't have sex with the Malaysian guy.


    First, the WSJ has several sources confirming Miranda was dating him. One of them was probably at the Justice Department, who was investigating all of this and would be privy to that sort of knowledge.


    Second, there is NO GUY who would pay out over $8 million USD if he wasn't actually getting any. That's just not a thing, even if the woman is a world famous model. Random fact: that's about how much money she makes annually according to Forbes.


    Third, realize that Miranda accepted over $8 million in gifts from this guy and thought this was a completely acceptable thing to do. Why though? Why would she think it's totally okay from some guy (possibly a boyfriend) to gift her that much money? The easiest answer is that she's giving him something in return and sees his gifts as quid pro quo. If you think a girl can get $8 million in gifts by being flirty and with no strings attached, you're kidding yourself.


    You're right, though - Miranda DOES know how to play the game. She'd hooked up with 3 billionaires in the last 3 years. That's super impressive for a divorced 34 year old model that's fallen out of the limelight. She even found the perfect target for a husband - a billionaire 7 years younger who probably fantasized about her while still in high school and convinced him to pledge himself to only her and help raise the kid of her alpha-male ex.


  2. 14 hours ago, *Luna* said:

    What was Candice like when you met her?


    I kind of wish it had gone a bit better!


    I was at the mall, walked by the VS store, and saw her handing around near the entrance looking at merchandise. I was kind of in disbelief. I got online and it turns out they were doing a signing an hour later, but in order to meet her you had to buy some $75 perfume.


    The line was long and full of teenage girls and guys. Security was all over the place and specifically told us not to take photos or touch her. I chatted up the security guard and he said they had a problem recently where one of the Angel's ex boyfriends made a huge scene at a signing. Later on I saw a girl stick her arm out to shake Candice's hand, she looked reluctant, but went ahead and shook anyways.


    I remember getting more nervous than any other time in my life. She said hi, asked my name, and who I was shopping for (had the perfume bag in my hand). I thought about saying I was only there to meet her, but ended up saying my wife, and that my wife is a big fan of her. It was difficult to not feel panicked. Asked her to add my wife's name to the headshot of her and she seemed confused. I don't remember her ever actually looking up from the table, but I'm sure she did.


    Overall, I got the vibe that she didn't want to be there, which I totally understand. Still, I remember leaving with a big smile after having met what I personally think is the most attractive woman on earth.

  3. 28 minutes ago, *Luna* said:

    She dated someone from Kings of Leon?? I know Lily Aldridge is married to one of them but I didn't know Miranda was with one of them as well :rofl: 


    She *allegedly* hooked up with the bass player on Sept 13, 2009 when she was on a break from Orlando. There are photos of them here with her hand around his neck and his hand on her ass. There used to be hi-res photos online of them sitting across from each other with her legs up on her shoulders while she wore that dress, but I can only find a few small ones on Google Images.


    Then on the 17th, NYDaily News had this blind item : "Which supermodel mended her recently broken heart over the weekend with the very-engaged bassist of a hot rock band?"


    After that, on the 20th there was this blind item on Page Six about how she spent all night with Lukas Haas (of Leo DiCaprio's Pussy Posse) and bass player guy was staring at them across the room.


    Finally, bass player breaks up with his fiance since 2002 in November 2009.


    And now I regret the last 30 minutes.


  4. On 1/9/2017 at 11:52 AM, *Luna* said:

    Not a fan of her golden globes look at all... Is it me or has she lost that spark she had? Something just seems off.


    I've been thinking this for the last few years. Nobody really comments in her thread anymore, and usually any stuff about her is related to Kora, her kid, or some article about Evan Spiegel that by contract must mention they're engaged.


    The two biggest things that have changed, IMO, is she just doesn't seem fun anymore and she's got this weird reputation as a gold digger. She used to be so interesting to look at and see interviewed - funny, flirty, cute. Hooking up with that Kings of Leon guy, doing nude shoots. I dunno - she just had more personality.


    Now it appears to just be about the easy paycheck and hanging with her kid. Which I totally understand - it's just not interesting.


  5. Longtime lurker finally making an account. What do people usually say in these threads? 


    I've been visiting this site for the last year or so after learning about it from some other website I bet. I'm a guy, Candice Swanepoel has been my favorite model ever since around 2009, and I was able to meet her at a VS event a few years ago which was honestly the most nervous I've ever been in my life.


    Just hoping to chime in and add my comments to any threads that seem interesting!

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