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Posts posted by Smarf

  1. 3 hours ago, jcrax said:

    If you are looking for an entertaining movie to watch I recommend Plane (2023) starring Gerard Butler.  Kelly is a "featured extra" meaning she is in pretty much the entire movie, as a passenger of the aforementioned plane, always in the background, with zero lines but a few reaction shots.


    Yeah, I remember when she was talking about how excited she was for filming, and then posted multiple IG stories a day while on set.


    Then the movie came out in theaters and she didn't even promote is a single time, lol.

  2. 4 hours ago, SympathysSilhouette said:

    Fact that this guy is still sharing this stuff is creepy and fucked up. Dude has serious issues.

    It's promotion for a boxing match - this stuff gets insanely heated.


    She prolly regrets sharing that.

  3. 6 hours ago, stewpidaz said:

    My initial thought was people could be overestimating her level of fame and that’s why she doesn’t have paparazzi follow her everywhere

    Uhhh, scroll up this page and literally every page of this thread. Like 80% of this thread that aren't IG posts is paparazzi photos.

  4. 2 hours ago, Cult Icon said:

    Is Kara married/or with a serious partner?

    She claims her boyfriend is a programmer she's been with since she was 12, while living a lifestyle unattainable by a programmer and IG model income and simultaneously never being scene with a steady guy.


    Curious, curious.

  5. 4 hours ago, all66 said:

    What is your point? Doesn't she have her own money? I'm pretty sure she can afford this vacation without problem.


    1) first comment, nice.

    2) she doesn't have yacht money and her only regular gigs are alcoholic drink endorsements and bikini lovers.

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