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Everything posted by almanaotemcor

  1. I love this VS pics!! THANK YOU!
  2. Bo Krsmanovic Paige Reifler Marloes Horst Dioni Tabbers
  3. Celeste Bright Bianca Balti Celeste Desjardins Aarika Wolf
  4. VS should hire this person for the teams, he is so talented
  5. The weight does not define how real a woman is lol either fat or thin is the same as any other and that is why I detest these videos comparing the bodies of each woman as if one were more valid than the other. Now, what bothers me is also that seeing a fat woman doing these videos only have words to disqualify her body instead of going to the root of the matter. Because if it were upside down, they would surely be cheering on any thin girl because she apparently looks "healthy" for the simple fact of being skinny. And I say it because I spent two years listening to people close to tell me how incredible I saw being almost in the bones without knowing that my situation was delicate but while people see you almost thin, it's all good for them ... You are A "normal" person and much better if you are thinner than you should according to your weight.
  6. I really think that my perfect alignment would be: Adriana, Candice, Jas, Jo, Taylor, Sara and Elsa for the moment. If we were to integrate nevos angeles, I would put Leomie and Grace into the future. With all those girls they could be bombs and they would not need urgently looking for more girls to fill. Lais would like to see her walk often for the parade, I think she could improve but as an angel I would like to see girls with more energy and personality. I trust that Tay being the smallest of all could improve easily with time, I hope ...
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