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Status Updates posted by Prettyphile

  1. Oh jesus that'll never happen. People on this forum can't stand us because 1. We are honest. 2. We don't like to uber sugar coat everything. Just say what you mean, process the results and move on... and lastly. This isn't High School, and we don't treat it as such.

  2. Oh le shock, I'm down to 3 stars again because of a certain female who apparently has "but hurt: .. Oh damn whatever shall I do.

  3. Oh you can all at any time, day or night :)

  4. Oh you can only rate up once it would seem. :(

  5. OMFG! I laughed for like a minute straight, that was awesome thank you hun *hugs*

  6. omg true story, Henry Winkler almost became my dad. My mom was banging him at the same time she met my dad. O.o

  7. omg! It's you. ;p HI! bye....

  8. On the US servers tanks are still hard to come by, but they're all kinds of nasty. Once in awhile you find a passive aggressive tank who doesn't care what his dps does, nor does he make them CC, but for the most part you'll get screamed at for messing up lol

  9. Once you actually get into the show and look past the acting skills, the show isn't bad... plus the eyecandy is all kinds of good!!

  10. One can only wonder :(

  11. pew pew pew pew pew!

  12. PM spank. Tag your it. Jump on MSN messenger more often >.<

  13. pokes! Where ya been?

  14. Pokes! Where ya been?

  15. Pokes. Hey Mister I have some potential 2011 VSFS news. As soon as I hear something good I'll let you know.

  16. Priest are rough at the lower levels, but as they get closer to 65-70 they are fun as all hell. Stick with it! My very first class was a Priest *Holy for 3 years, Shadow for 3 and then I took a break from it for this last year. lol You know anyone reading this is convo between us is going "wtf are they talking about". Oh and I love Hyjal! It's my fav new zone then Twilight High

  17. Question, do you Role Play? If so have you ever checked out the systems White Wolf puts out?

  18. Quick question, who's in your avatar?

  19. Quite literally the most random thing you've ever said to me lol <3

  20. Random comment drivebye lol

  21. rofl @ succubus. That's clearly what it is! and with only 30 days till halloween they're bound to come sooner or later.

  22. rofl! Don't you have Goth/EBM girls where you're at! Goth girls are best. 50% are down right super experiential in the bedroom. 30% are super submissive and the rest are just too cute for words to sleep with lol.

  23. rofl! Which model said that? Please tell me it was Candice!!!

  24. roflmao! Actually it's dark blue, white and black atm <3 God I love you Joe. You always make my evening.

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