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Everything posted by effyja2012

  1. I don't see why they can't make everyone happy. Do the shoots with more diverse models and still have a helping of what made the SISE a phenomenon in the first place. You give something to each audience. The problem is twofold: -the quality of photography has fallen off the cliff over the years, even before SISE became "woke" or however you want to phrase it. -The longtime flaw of SISE to take a good idea and run it into the ground. It was an annoying trait that was able to be overcome for many years, but now it might prove fatal. And I agree with the assessment that is might not be all on MJ. She's had to answer to like 5 different ownership groups, all of whom probably would nuke this thing if MJ didn't do something to fit their vision. As for the issue itself, It's not so much that it's terrible, but it's boring, just like the last 3 or 4. Literally nothing stands out as memorable. Oh well, See you in 2025... maybe
  2. Back in the good 'ol days this was the day we'd sit around in eager anticipation. We'd make dumb posts just to pass the last few hours before the issue dropped. IIR some of you even found links that had prematurely gone live. It's sad to see it come to this, and given the overall instability of SI it's hard not to wonder if this is the swan song for the swimsuit issue. If so maybe they'll go out on a high note, but I doubt it
  3. Release date is May 14, so yeah right after Mother's Day again
  4. supposedly they are going to continue to publish, at least for now https://awfulannouncing.com/si/sports-illustrated-owner-authentic-publication-not-go-dark.html How this affects Swimsuit, I'm not sure
  5. The whole thing is sad. Corporate interests clearly superseded actual quality product. It's not just the swimsuit issue that had been going downhill, They got caught using AI for some sports articles despite still having quality sportswriters on their payroll As I am in my mid 50's SI was a big part of my life growing up.. both the regular magazine and the swimsuit issue. It's surreal that it has come down to this, if not terribly surprising
  6. Wonder if this ends up being the shortest swimsuit thread ever https://frontofficesports.com/sports-illustrateds-publisher-lays-off-entire-staff-future-unclear/
  7. Not a ton to add but I'll put my $.02 in: -Padma looks fabulous. My favorite shoot by far -Megan's shoot was good but TBH I'm not as big a fan as some. -Weird seeing college athletes (thanks NIL).. Angel and Livvy both did well. -Melissa was a surprise.. better than I expected. -I like Katie as always. -Whoever picks Hailey's suits and Christen's lighting should be waterboarded. I'm not as down on this year as the past couple.... I guess I'd say there are fewer bad shoots, but not many great ones either And not every model even has a video. And Martha Stewart.. Christ. Who next year, Dianne Feinstein?
  8. So I had a dentist appointment this morning and before I went in I found out Martha Stewart was a cover model and I suddenly decided someone using sharp instruments in my mouth wasn't so bad.
  9. So does anyone know when all of this is coming out? Bleacher Report said the issue would be on sale May 12, but that's all I've seen. SI themselves simply say "later this month".
  10. Updated list (thanks @oldschoolsifanfor the additions) Hailey Clausen Katie Austin Camille Kostek Brooks Nader Melissa Wood-Tepperberg Nicole Williams English Mady Dewey (search winner) Sixtine Rouyre Ellie Thumann Jennifer Atilémile Madisin Rian Lauren Chan Olivia Dunne Padma Lakshmi Yumi Nu Christen Harper Kamie Crawford (?) Lorena Duran Jasmine Sanders Marquita Pring Georgina Burke Leyna Bloom
  11. Ahh Ok I thought I was missing a few. I'm really happy Lorena is back
  12. No idea if this is a complete list Hailey Clausen Katie Austin Camille Kostek Brooks Nader Melissa Wood-Tepperberg Nicole Williams English Mady Dewey (search winner) Sixtine Rouyre Ellie Thumann Jennifer Atilémile Madisin Rian Lauren Chan Olivia Dunne Padma Lakshmi Yumi Nu Christen Harper Kamie Crawford (?) A lot of newcomers....
  13. No, just some previews on SI's site and on Instagram. I'm assuming May again for the full issue but don't know for sure
  14. So far (not sure if this is a complete list) Hailey Katie Austin Camille Kostek Brooks Nader Melissa Wood-Tepperberg (rookie) Nicole Williams English (rookie) Mady Dewey (search winner)
  15. 2016: 348 pages 2017: 270 2018: 131 2019: 68 2020: 48 2021: 32 2022: 14 Morbid curiosity could get this thread to 20, but I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't get past 10, barring a totally unexpected U-turn by SI
  16. I just have so little to say on this year's issue. It's that uninteresting (outside of the mockery of some of MJ's agenda which has already been addressed) Jo & Cindy had the best model shoots IMO. Kim actually looks good, and so does Ciara. Lorena's shoot is OK but not as good as hoped. That's it. That's all I got. See ya in May 2023 (maybe)
  17. I curse the existence of the entire family. But, you might not be wrong here
  18. When I saw that I though you were being facetious/sarcastic about the pics. But I see there's literally nothing there 😂 Now come Monday we'll see if that comment is a prediction or a spoiler...
  19. What he said. The scar wouldn't even bother me TBH. She's an attractive model. But it's the in your face "hey look at this" crap that's annoying me. Just stop it already MJ. I don't care if you have models with antlers at this point. Just stop having 5 feature stories about it. Christ.
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