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Everything posted by User19

  1. While I believe the company launched after Tate passed, it’s pretty clear that it was already in progress. I think you’re just seeing a lot of marketing.
  2. I'd love for this to be true, but I can't imagine that it is. Where did you hear this?
  3. Lol, that’s just about all the photos in the mag and then some (I actually like some of the outtakes more). Weird to sell a digital magazine of photographs and then release them all the next day, but oh well.
  4. I suppose it could actually be film, it just looks so manufactured to me that I assumed it was post processing. Most of the photos really are terrible; it’s like the “if it’s black and white, it’s artistic” meme has evolved to “if it’s midtones and indistinguishable from pointillism, it’s artistic.”
  5. The digital version is $8, but, yes, it's more like an art book than a traditional magazine. Primarily photos, very little text, no articles.
  6. I don’t feel comfortable posting it, but it’s pretty meh. Josephine looks great, but it’s basically a bunch of shots of her covering up with that really obnoxious grain filter over the top. Between the cover, the website shot, and the one other shot posted to Instagram, you’ve pretty much seen it all.
  7. Obviously this is speculation, and people move for all kinds of and multiple reasons, but I wouldn’t underestimate the effects of the changes to VS. That’s probably a good amount of high paying, predictably scheduled work that she lost. It’s got to be easier to find work in/travel to work from LA than Nashville, and she might have to/want to book a lot more often to make up some of what she’s missing out on.
  8. If you have a personal relationship with Maggie, this probably isn’t the right place to air that out. No disrespect intended, it’s just that you might regret it once you cool off a bit. Some of the things you’re saying are pretty infantilizing. I doubt this was a mistake; the whole natural/unedited/body positivity thing is what that brand is going for. It would be an incredible misstep for a company like that to release photos without the model’s consent.
  9. Pointing out that yacht girls at Cannes are a thing isn’t sexist. The existence of yacht girls is deeply rooted in misogyny and sexism, but acknowledging reality isn’t sexist. (Neither is pointing out that models lose work as they age—the same is true for women in Hollywood. Them losing work is absolutely sexist; saying it happens isn’t. Maybe that’s a bit nuanced for this one-trick pony.) I have no idea if Candice is being paid to be there, and neither do you. I have no idea what her relationship is with this guy, and neither do you. That said, she’s a single model on a boat that, by your own admission, she doesn’t “need” to be on given her wealth, at Cannes, with a known rich scumbag. It’s not outrageous to think she might not be there for his personality.
  10. How can you get upset about people making assumptions and then write half of this bullshit? You just claimed you knew what another member thinks, despite them saying the opposite, with zero irony. No one knows what Candice is doing in these photos, but they sure as hell have the hallmark of a yacht girl, a term you very clearly need to Google. Hell, I hope she’s at least being paid to be on the yacht, even if nothing else is involved, since at least then there’s sort of a good reason for her to be hanging with this guy. If I see a topless woman swinging around a pole, I’m going to go ahead and assume she’s a stripper. That’s not sexism; it’s experience. If she just happens to be a nudist gymnast, I’ll have no issue apologizing for my mistake.
  11. No. The only official source is Josephine, and she has said they’re a result of growing, birth control, and push-up bras. If you’re looking beyond that you’re just going to encounter endless speculation by people who struggle to identify all the stop signs in their CAPTCHAs. There’s only one compelling reason I can think of to even ask the question at this point, and that’s to give some kind of excellence award to her doctor, should they exist.
  12. The Vimeo video by Utopia Productions is the complete video. When they first released the video, Miranda’s name was incorrectly listed as “Amanda” during the segment where she’s getting her hair done, and 7-8 minutes were missing from the end, but otherwise the content was identical.
  13. This guy really went overboard on the plastic surgery.
  14. What you’re seeing is the difference between a photo taken from a high angle (and heavily processed) relative to her face (her face is probably just angled slightly downwards) and a photo taken from a neutral-to-low angle. And of course you’re seeing two different light sources (relatively side lit vs. straight lit) and more likely than not different focal lengths.
  15. I love Bellemere’s photos, and his work style, while unconventional, undeniably gets results. He pushes models outside of their comfort zones, and as a result you don’t get the same handful of go-to poses over and over. That said, due to Bellemere’s unconventional style—due to him placing his hands on the models and his tendency for risqué nudes—it is absolutely Bellemere’s responsibility to ensure that the model is fully aware and fully consenting. It is his responsibility to make sure the model is comfortable with what he’s doing. It’s also abundantly clear that Bellemere has failed to do this. If you watch the “Nude” documentary, you’ll see that Bellemere has an aggressive and negative attitude when he doesn’t get his way. You’ll see Steve Shaw talk about how he recognizes that Bellemere is crossing lines. At best Bellmere has failed to act professionally by ensuring the comfort of his models. At worst he’s sexually assaulted models. Claiming models’ experiences are “thin” is absolutely ridiculous, and Bellemere has no one but himself to blame for the situation he’s found himself in. And it’s a shame, because he’s talented, but he very clearly thinks that that means he doesn’t have to treat models like people.
  16. Here. It’s the two shower pics from behind, the two jacket pics (maybe posted as a video from Instagram?), and this most recent one. There are only like 3-4 other pictures of Josephine as far as I can remember, one being the shot from Aspen that was posted a while back where she’s lying down wearing a hat.
  17. Most of Josephine’s shots have already been posted.
  18. Something to keep in mind if you’re new to scanning: it’s gong to take you much longer than you initially imagine. If you go the scanning route (that is, not the photo route), your quickest option will be pulling the book apart. Keeping the book intact will add time due to positioning and rescanning misalignments. With a book this size you’re probably looking at multiple scans per page and then joining the images in an image editor. I’d allot at least 5 minutes per page to do that, and that’s super generous. That means that for a 400 page book you’re looking at but upwards of 30 hours to get it all done. A few hours in and you’re going to be wondering why you just destroyed something you paid $1,500 for just so you can put in a work week to deliver content to some ungrateful strangers on the internet.
  19. Steve and David had several creative differences, one being that David wanted to shoot more erotic nudity, and another being that David wanted to be able to hand pick the girls because he wanted to have a personal connection to each. There's a pretty uncomfortable scene where the young girl David has been courting through Instagram shows up to audition and Steve is visibly annoyed. She spends the audition flirting with David and they end up not putting her in the calendar, against David's wishes. At the end of the documentary Steve talks about how David is going down a path he's seen other photographers go down which leads to issues that can end your career.
  20. I like David's photos, so this is disappointing, but anyone who watched the "Nude" documentary on Starz could have seen this coming. The way he uses his hands to pose models is incredibly compelling, but he's shooting young women trying to break into the industry alone in his personal flat. There's a scene where a girl shows up and David tells her it's a nude shoot, and she doesn't know, so she calls her agent to let them know. She eventually says it's fine, but she's already in the apartment in a pressured situation. There's another subplot where David contacts an underage girl and tells her to reach back out once she's old enough to shoot, and Steve Shaw says he doesn't understand their "relationship". Steve even makes some ominous comments at the end of that film about how David is heading down a problematic path (in general, not just with that girl).
  21. It's a pretty quick video, but as far as I can tell there's no such photo.
  22. I just assumed people knew they were implants. They sit a bit high, they remain in the same shape when she lies down, they're a bit orb-like. But these conversations always bother me. 1. We shouldn't really care. 2. They always come down to someone demanding "proof", like models and actresses go around talking about all the plastic surgery they've had. Kate either has natural breasts that look remarkably like implants or she got implants, either way she looks how she looks.
  23. Welp, you sure did find the wrong side of this argument. If Lui's brand is strictly nudity (it isn't, but for argument's sake), they protect their brand by not signing contracts like this in the first place, not by making legally binding agreements they intend to break.
  24. Sara is responsible for her poses, and she's far more dynamic in that regard in the Narcisse shoot than she is for Lui. I wasn't on set, I don't know if there were issues with the photographer, but from what I can see it appears that she held back. LameImpala really nailed my feelings on this, even invoking the example of Barbara that I thought about when initially responding. Even though Barbara was limited in what she wanted to show, she still achieved the edge that I've come to expect from a Lui shoot. (And, full disclosure, I've never been much of a Barbara fan.)
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