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Everything posted by monstereggnog

  1. Anyone know who this lovely is? I think this was on Bravissimo if that helps. TIA!
  2. Anyone know who this is? Thanks in advance!
  3. Pretty sure it's Lucy Bayet in every one but "The Edit" pic.
  4. Model 4 is Julie Wolfe (although some of the pix you attribute to her are not her) who used to do a ton of modeling for Avon. She has a thread here that myself and some others have filled with great liingerie and swimsuit pix. Model 14 also did a lot of lingerie work for JC Penney and others but damned if I can ID her. I started an ID request thread out here but so far no luck. She looks a little like Jill Goodacre, but it's not her.
  5. It's definitely not Jill Goodacre (whom I love)...but thanks anyway!
  6. Found some more Spiegel scans...early and not as good as the Avon stuff, but still.
  7. I've seen her in a bunch of catalogues from the past, but no idea who she is. Can anyone help? Thanks!
  8. Thanks for the new pix! Anyone know the name of the model with Julie in the second-to-last pic?
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