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Everything posted by mal

  1. mal

    Minka Kelly

    1) She doesn't seem too bright, 2) She's kinda a shitty actress, and 3) 80% of her pics are her going to, or getting out of, the gym. Don't get me wrong--I think she's gorgeous, and I love looking at her, and she's probably a terrific person....but that doesn't mean my points aren't valid. Your points are not even near valid. They may be YOUR opinion, but to state them as "Valid Points" is just plain YOUR taste, and YOUR own personal opinions. Doesent seem to bright? what do you base saying something like that on? You have met her? Please. She is the product of A former stripper, and a washed out rock guitarist, who was a shitty father and left her when very young to leave a stripper to raise her alone. She was hired by a sleaze bag to be put into playboy at a later date, when that didnt work she went onto school to be a scrub nurse. Can't be to "Stupid" I beg to see how alot of girls have ended up in that bringing up...................... Shitty actress? again YOUR opinion. 80% of her pics are gym???? Only on here, if your basing he not being popular due to working out, WOW just wow! So in short..... Your points are not "Valid" They are "Opinions" not points...............
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