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Everything posted by action_jack

  1. has she been id'd? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLEVlnJQTOA&t=232s
  2. she models for lahana a lot too - https://www.instagram.com/lahanaswim/
  3. First off just wanted to say thanks to all the members who have reached out and offered suggestions. This is a fairly new hobby so i imagine the more i do the better i will get...it is fun restoring media which i had previously deemed not worthy of my time anymore 🙂 Here is another round: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
  4. With suggestions from @TheDude2k i present round two of AI enhanced Jo vids. This includes one of my all time favorite videos of her, "Little Things", which has been upscaled from 720SD to 1080HD. Side note on that, i dont have the original VS commercial (just a community edit), if anyone does that would be most welcome. I strip audio from these...if that bothers anyone LMK but i assume we arent really worried about audio. I'm also not going to upload the originals alongside just to save space for bellazon - the files are already kinda big 🙃 - if you want the original feel free to dm me which u want. Hope you enjoy! #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
  5. especially when you consider no matter how much protection you put on the app/device in use...someone can always use a different device to record it. This is rudimentary...but has been the case since people used to bring camcorders into theaters to pirate movies. There is really no way around it
  6. ill do another batch of videos soon, maybe this weekend as i have some time. Im thinking 1.) lady gaga VS runway walk. 2.) yoga slip - i assume you mean this one but i can try and make it better 3.) VS "little things" where she has red lingerie 4.) VS commercial in black lingerie 5.) maybe a couple workout vids or another VS commercial, or i have a couple LQ random instagram vids too like this Open to other suggestions/links to clips as well if others have ideas
  7. AI Upscale of her model walk. Original: Upscaled + enhanced:
  8. here are a handful. sorry for the large file size. im not quite sure how to compress without losing quality. im also not sure if some quality loss occurs when i upload through bellazon - or if they show them in source quality.
  9. How about some Kulani Kini videos with quality enhance Video 1 before: after: Video 2 before: after: I have a handful more of these i could do. and could upscale to 4k
  10. Here is an AI upscale of the second video from that set above. Would anyone be interested in more upscaling/quality enhancement like this? Id love suggestions on videos i can try to improve. Before/after: before_after.mp4 Isolated upscale: kl_upscal_1920.mp4
  11. I cant believe there isnt a full version somewhere of Beach Riot or Kai Lani from 2016 Miami Funkshion Swim week somewhere (i spent many hours searching today haha)....only a couple random low quality vids and they tend to cut out the maggie parts which is an utter shame. Id like mr_kailani.mp4 to note a young Carmella Rose in those shows as well. maggie_kl.mp4 maggie_br.mp4
  12. Does anyone know what runway show these are from? EDIT: I think its KAI LANI from Miami Swim week, but im not sure the year. Maybe 2016. If anyone has a vid of this id love to find it an enhance it (assuming low quality) - also if anyone knows of other runways she has done id love to find those
  13. you mean you already knew that you should take notes and highlight things? it'd be a dream if she actually went topless, but calling this thread a "waste of time" if she doesn't...is a bit harsh. Go to other forums if that is all you care about.
  14. I was wondering if anyone knows of any archives/libraries ... etc where there might be footage of the fashions shows which goes beyond the released footage, preferably unedited. One of my biggest pet peeves with the fashion shows is all the cuts they do..cut here, cut here, cut here...you see 1-2 seconds of each model, then a cut to another angle of a different model, then back to the first model, then to The weeknd...its exhausting and id love to just have 1 or 2 camera angles held steady for the entire show. I know this footage must exist somewhere but I have no idea how i might go about finding it. I have tried reaching out to victorias secret asking if they had B-roll stuff or if i could purchase things directly, but thus far (been well over 2 years) havent heard a peep. Wondering if anyone has any ideas :-)
  15. dunno what to tell you. 8500 for me. @RESO312while it is great that you have figured out a way to get her Sunroom content locally. It is my opinion that you should keep this to yourself. Leaking and sharing her private content across very easily accessible public forums (such as this) is only going to lead to trouble. Either she stops doing things because she cant trust anyone, or Sunroom takes legal recourse against probably Bellazon as they are the host - who may/may not be forced to give up your account info and such if it comes to that. Im just saying, Sunroom obviously takes this somewhat seriously since most of their dev money went into the encryption part (evidenced by the fact that the app and user experience is absolute garbage) so id tread lightly here.
  16. just another bikini video, she picked it out. nothing different than her try ons. in fact, the try ons are longer and higher video quality. i just bought the bikini experience which was 8500. To buy 8500 worth of coins you have to purchase 10k sunbeams, which is $399 in the app or $299 in browser. so you end up with some leftover. its a bad experience
  17. She posted quite a few times without getting back to me...but I actually responded to this earlier - she did deliver it after i had posted here. It is a good video content wise but the quality is beyond bad. Im talking less than 720p. If you make it full screen on anything larger than an iphone you cant even tell its her due to the noise/grain..for $200. And not to mention I cannot even access the video unless using the Sunroom app, so if i lose this account my $200 purchase is out the window
  18. OF comes with a certain reputation. i.e. hardcore/very implied/willing to do nudes. Anyone who has used OF knows that this is not the case for typical models. For example, Emily Elizabeth, Gigi Rossini, Hailey Pandolfi, Lina Belfiore, Sydney May...list goes on and on...have all made a boat load of money on OF without showing anything more than a commercial shoot for a swimwear company. But i think just the thought of being a creator alongside hardcore performers is a bit off putting.
  19. Personally, I think she just doesn't care all that much about random internet people...and the money will come easy. I just have the expectation that when i pay significant money for something I am at the very least owed updates/a status on it after a few days. It was not my intent to start an Emily/Sunroom bashing thread. I simply wanted to alert others in case they were interested in the experience and wanted a first hand account of someone who had been through it. For the record, whether it be by sheer coincidence or triggered by my posting here, she has since delivered the request. I still have not heard anything back from Sunroom support in regards to this though - although they could be acting behind the scenes as well.
  20. A word of caution to anyone subscribed to her Sunroom. I purchased the "Bikini Experience" from her Sunroom page (costs over $200). From her description, this was supposed to be a video where she bought a new bikini then sent a personal message with a video trying it on. She has other videos like this on her page, but this one would be "just for the person purchasing". I dont care about money so i figured why not give it a try and see what happens...well it has been 10 days and she has not responded at all. I followed up 2 days ago asking if she had an update and she has not responded. Sunroom has basically 0 customer support, so i dont know if i will ever recover the money. But TL;DR dont buy any experiences from her on Sunroom until she appears to take it more seriously.
  21. she did a ton of modeling for Boutinela a couple years ago. those videos are probably buried on their various IG pages, and she appears to have removed herself from the tagging or something else. she has long been one of my favorite models - her figure is incredible. lmk if u want them and i can maybe see about zipping them up and putting somewhere...there are about 175 total. here are some other links: https://www.celsodinizphoto.com/2021-04-17-kenzi-hope-1st-set https://www.celsodinizphoto.com/2021-04-17-kenzi-hope-2nd-set https://www.celsodinizphoto.com/2021-04-17-kenzi-hope-3rd-set https://www.celsodinizphoto.com/2021-04-17-kenzi-hope-4th-set
  22. I have been dabbling in video enhancing using AI techniques...would people be interested in content like this? before vids on the left, after on right. not sure how noticeable it will be after uploading. still figuring out all the different ways to enhance quality :-)
  23. did you just pop in then start asking her how much it would cost for topless content, regardless of the $$$ amount? I can understand her being put off/resistant to that approach - i bet if you hung around and supported her for a while you might be able to open a dialogue at some point...but im not willing to do that haha.
  24. its more about conquering the technical challenge than it is about getting the underlying content...and there are no nipples to be gotten
  25. the way in which the data is delivered to the end user is quite complicated. it's a stream from a DRM protected .mpd file. So while you are watching the video, behind the scenes there are tens/hundreds of requests going out to fetch the next portion of the video, and that request in and of itself has safeguards on it which require your account authorization. They have also disabled screen recording while using their app - which would only be overridable via come underlying OS override on your device using the app. I think I may be able to download it by passing my authorization cookies and headers from my account to a command line based request using something like ffmpeg to stream the data but thus far have been unsuccessful...however...what you can do is load Sunroom in a browser and use something like Tampermonkey to remove any extraneous css/styles and make the video as large as possible...then use Quicktime to screen record and play the video while it is as large as possible while recording. Then take your screen recording, import to iMovie, crop, trim, auto enhance, then export to 4k. This has been the best route for me thus far but will let you know if i find a better way.
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