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    Los Angeles
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    Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, RuPaul's Drag Race, Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, Survivor, Orange is the New Black, SKAM

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  1. My hope is that if they do retire the concept of Angels, they'll bring it back in like 10 years? People are suckers for nostalgia and they can make a big deal/campaign about "the return of Angels".
  2. If it is the last VSFS ever, then seems fitting it closed with Adriana. What a shame for all the newer angels!
  3. Miranda was such a great spokesperson for the brand. She gave off a flirty vibe that worked. Gisele, Karolina, and Adriana all had that extra spark of goddess vibes that made the brand feel lux at the time.
  4. Imagine if this were the current VS Angels lineup..... Gorgeous Amazonian women!
  5. I love Star Trooper for Abbey Lee's little dance shimmy with the BEP. She knew how to have fun onstage.
  6. I'll never forget Flavia closing 2007 PINK. It was so over the top and fun!
  7. Cute video and vibes. I actually like this lingerie collection and the lineup (I know, Winnie's personality is ugh...). The diversity is great for VS with the girls used and the body shapes. It's not perfect, but a step in the right direction. If someone told me these girls were the new Angel lineup, I'd believe it.
  8. It's going to be bottom of the barrel filler queens if they keep at this rate. Sadly, I heard they're already filming AS5...
  9. As much as I love Brooke, I don't see her as a memorable winner? Yvie stands out more to me. I think had this been an earlier season (1-3) Brooke would've taken it. I am a Brooke fan though and think that with the right AS season, she can win. If it's Brooke vs Shea, then Slay Coulee all the way! Anyone else taking MC from Nina would've been straight up robbery. Had Vanjie won, it would've been Fan Favorite. I am glad we're in for somewhat of a drag race break because it's been nonstop and as much as I love the show, I need a break.
  10. Brooke was in the BTM2 for the inevitable Branjie lipsync that producers wanted. Brooke deserves to win the most, but I can see Yvie winning, which I'd be okay with. A'keria and Silky have no right in the Top 4.
  11. How is Rajah still in the competition?! Scarlet should have stayed!
  12. Personally I would have preferred Trinity, but Monet was my second to win. However, it's bullshit there was a double crowning! One or the other. Let's not even talk about the shitty recording edit and Ru's voiceover. ANYWAY, onto S11 and better things! I'm rooting for Plastique, Brooke Lynn, Akeria, Yvie and Vanjie.
  13. Opinions on the double crowning?
  14. I know Sara is short, but it really shows in that Family Feud picture. She should've brought out her highest platforms because her pants would've covered them at least.
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