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Candice Swanepoel


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Coming to Turkey for the ad shoot celebrity model Candice Swanepoel told ..

Along with singer Murat Boz will be in front of the camera shots for an ad to Turkey from the world-famous model Candice Swanepoel, Boz with the scenario should not have to kiss, you can use stand-says: Jokes aside should the role of the kissing seems strange to me.

SHOULD I USE you can stunt with MURAT OPUS!

Elegant, shy, well ... Yet 15 years old and discovered in the flea market within a few years become one of the world's highest-paid model in the coming Candice Swanepoel, Yedigün'ün ad campaign came to Turkey to be included. World-famous Victoria's Secret underwear brand are among the sexiest stars of the South African model; beauty secrets of their private lives, Murat Boz will take part with everything from TV commercials to the biggest weakness we speak ...

* How did you get started Poetry?

When I was little like her to be always in fashion magazines would imagine. At age 15, one day I discovered I was browsing the flea market. When I came 16 years to the day was won 5 thousand euros. Today, 22 years old, and all models in the world already reached the target spot. Three years I've worked with Victoria's Secret I've gained great reputation. When I look back and everything is so unreal that even I have managed to believe Shortlist. But one thing I am sure; models probably were not in the fashion world will still have as makyöz.


* How to protect your form do? Do a special diet?

In fact, I do not eat much attention Shortlist. But I'm trying to eat well-balanced. For example, a seven-day if I eat less the next day. I would also be especially careful not to consume salt. The other hand has grown up on a farm and my great advantage, because throughout my childhood I had a chance to eat all organic and fresh food. As a child, I have friends over for a weak wave passes were always with me. For now I appreciate being the body 34.

* All of the above in your eyes knowing how to walk on his podium?

Myself to the rhythm of music, leaving the podium, underwear and like to walk with a very special feeling to know. During fashion shows, and inside you an incredible adrenaline secretion from the 'Yes, that did it, anywhere you are, did their dreams realized' I say. Appear before a podium 'What if God let me down' I pray!


* Who served in Iraq on the Internet for your beloved is a U.S. military has information on. Correct?

Sometimes I am very surprised wrote about me. No, this is not true. Brazil with my darling. Five years ago we met at a hotel in Paris, and since that time together. We grew up together I can say. Because of my busy schedule my tempo, but I still do not see each other very happy. He took me from this glittering world is connected to the real world. Me still 'I' that I remind.

Marriage and children to have to * Do you think?

Marriage is very large and important decision. Darling has so far been proposed many times but I do not think the right time come. I live in a relationship as important as marriage. Because marriage, love able kill. But still I will marry him one day and my kids will be fine. I want to be mothers at a young age. Without coming to a break 30'uma modeling yılllığına the child will bear.

* Career Do you want to add to your acting also? Rate the player models will you?

One day I dream of being a successful actress, I can not say did not install. In this regard is encouraging to me and my agency. But I think it a bit too shy for me. Nevertheless, after several years of commercial films in the feature film, as well as I'd like to try my luck. I think in the first year of mannequins should start acting career. Because people know them as a model for a time, considered to be players themselves can be very difficult and dismissed criticism is not cut back.

* The role of advertising campaigns Yedigün'ün met Murat Boz Did you receive?

In Turkey, who have not met yet, but Murat's very handsome and sexy man asked if the answer I received. Obviously I'm looking forward to meet him. But I still do a stunt in the ad, you have to kiss him! Since the role of a joke to me seems strange to kiss. One minute before the camera lights nothing turns into a man you don 't feel love is hard work to look with eyes. Still, my job requires him to make sure I'm ready.


* Do you know the Turkish fashion designer?

I heard it's a very good fashion designers in Turkey, but we did not meet with any. Located in Istanbul next year I would like to Fashion Week. Zeki Triko's also nearly fell in love with mayo.

* How is your style?

My obsession is no brand. In general, I like to wear vintage. In the past, and many a times takes hundreds, even clothes did not wear. Now the only thing I need I'm getting. The most valuable things I inherited from my mother and my grandmother is my jewel. I can not live if I lose them.


* Around the world dream of men would decorate. Do you have any side but do not like it?

Contrary to most models is thought to himself insecure. I also have many places I did not like my body. Obviously, many critics in the past, I would. People like me so they could not understand why. But in time I learned to trust myself. Most likely not part of my body, I did ballet for a long time my toes are deformed. Most likely is a mystery to me where I get my ...

* Would seem quite natural. Make up your own you do not Do you feel uncomfortable or ugly?

Quite the contrary! Makyajsız certainly more beautiful. I am in favor of naturalism. I look in the mirror when I woke up from bed I enjoy. Sometimes it turns that make such a makyöz me, 'My God, it's not me, what happened to me! " say.

* What is your most vulnerable point? Is there anything you can not ever say no?

Chocolate and carrot with keke never say 'no' can not. Also shoes! And also do not get on a good shoe, enters my dreams at night. But this habit is now the 'stop' should I say, or shoes of my stop above the cabinet soon to be demolished!

* Victoria's Secret model Many in Turkey wants to be a part. They want to be models and a referral to a young girl Do you have?

Poetry is a difficult profession. For example, I started this business 16 years old. Roads for most of my time passed I could not live my youth. University after high school, even though many want but did not chance to read. I like my profession, but still want to be a model I encourage young people to think twice.

* What will you do when you have finished Mankenlik career?

I'm a simple girl. One day behind all the pomp of the fashion world will remain. Then my side I want to be the only people who like me. There are a production does not speak very shy. My boyfriend often 'little more konuşsana' he says. 'Behind every successful woman there is a very bored man' in circles I guess for us it's true!

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Thanks for the interview that was so cool!

Except the translation wasnt that good.. but at least you can get the gist of what she was saying.

I hope shes being honest.. because about what she said about being a simple girl and all.. i love that.

And thats so cute how Hermann has proposed to her so many times but she always says no haha poor man.

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Almost all of those photos were reposts, from a decent while ago, besides the most recent one. Thanks for the interview though!

Candice's got so many pictures that hard to follow. sorry can put the same pictures

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Hey could you please give some credit for those !?! at least you can respect peoples work and put link to their tumblr !!! it is not polite to "steal" those pics from tumblr..give credit,people what is wrong with you !? btw this is made by me..and i saw that you have uploaded many others from tumblr..but this is someones work..respect that and give a link ! <_< http://the-immortals.tumblr.com/

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Candice is being pitted agaisnt Kate upton in round two of Esquire's sexiest women alive. Vote please voting ends tommorrow. http://www.esquire.com/women/the-sexiest-w...l-vs-kate-upton

Results from last round: 78%-22% Gisele

Ugh I hate the picture they used of her. Out of the millions of mind-boggling photos they could have used, they used the most mediocre one they could find. It doesn't even show her great WHR, one of her best traits! (or her legs!) :yuckky:

I hope she wins, because although Kate is cute, she's no match.

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