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How Niki Taylor Stays Fit, Beautiful, and Stress-Free

Steal the supermodel's simple tips to stay happy and healthy this summer and beyond

By Heidi Pashman


When you start to worry about that one photo someone might snap of you at the beach this summer, think of this lovely lady. In her modeling prime, Niki Taylor was posing for up to six magazine covers a month! Now a mother of four and TV host, Taylor not only manages to find the time to stay fit and healthy, she’s also raising awareness about a cause near and dear to her heart. Taylor is working with the 2012 Nexcare give campaign, an annual program by Nexcare Bandages, America's Blood Centers, and The American Red Cross, to encourage people to donate blood. Taylor became especially passionate about blood donation after a nearly fatal car accident in 2001, when a blood transfusion saved her life.

In honor of World Blood Donor Day today (June 14), we caught up with the former SHAPE Cover Girl (make that five covers!) to learn more about her passion project and to find out her secrets for staying fit, healthy, and beautiful with such a busy schedule—and how you can too!

1. Find a Meaningful Cause

Not only is Taylor’s cause personal, but she feels that blood donation is essential for everyone. “Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood, and if just one percent more Americans gave blood, blood shortages would disappear,” she says. It's especially important to donate blood during the summertime when people are busiest and accidents abound.

Finding meaning in something you’re passionate about is a sure way to feel good about yourself this summer. In the meantime, you can go to NexcareGive.com and find a local blood center where you can roll up your sleeves (literally!) and give back.

2. Get Moving in the Morning

Taylor makes the time in the a.m. to pull on her sneakers and hit the pavement. “I get up every morning at 4:50 a.m. and put on my running shoes and go for a nice little jog in my neighborhood. I get up before everybody else,” she says. “That’s my time. I get to go over what the day is going to bring and I get to pray and clear my mind… It’s a lifestyle now and if I don’t, I feel like something’s off.”

This supermodel even says she feels the most confident and sexiest after she’s worked out and showered—a great incentive to keep up her daily routine!

3. Switch it Up

To make sure she sticks to her daily ritual, Taylor changes her intensity every other day, “I do alternate my days; every other day I jog, and every other day I walk,” she says.

With four kids and a hectic schedule, the former supermodel is happy to get in her morning exercise, but sometimes she’ll also stick in a Crossfit routine. “My husband is really into Crossfit. He’ll write out programs for me, and if it's raining out I'll do that one day to switch it up.”

4. Stick to a Schedule

Getting up at 4:50 a.m. every morning is not easy, but Taylor is strict about her schedule to make sure she gets enough rest (it’s called beauty sleep for a reason!). “My husband and I like to stick to a routine. The kids and I are all asleep at 9:30 p.m. every night. We’re up at the same time every morning. So I like to get that workout done and over with first thing so I don’t have to worry about it for the rest of the day,” she says.

5. Make Smoothies at Home

When asked what’s always in her fridge, Taylor listed her go-to ingredients for homemade smoothies, “We are always making smoothies, so we always have spinach and kale. We throw in different proteins and frozen fruits like bananas, strawberries, and raspberries.”

We agree! Homemade smoothies are a great way to pack in nutrients and protein in any meal or snack—especially when you’re on the go. Just be weary of commercial or pre-made smoothies, as they can be packed with sugar. For some great smoothie recipe ideas, check out these.

6. Switch Up Your Beauty Routine for Summer

When it comes to summertime beauty products, simple is better for this supermodel. “Too Faced primer. I put that on every day," she says. She also wears MAC Dazzleglass Lip Gloss. "The color is ‘Date Night.’ I love it because it’s sticky and it stays on all day,” she says.

7. Jog Your Brain

Taylor doesn’t just exercise her body daily, she stays on top of the news to keep her brain sharp. “I really like talk radio now for when I’m in the car by myself. I get the run of the daily events and stuff that’s happening in the world.”

Taylor's sons, Jake and Hunter, are music enthusiasts and keep their mom up to date on the latest trends. “My boys are really into music so they are always turning me onto new bands. I’ve been listening to Major Lazar, Subtract, and Bon Iver (because of them),” she says.

8. Make Smart Food Swaps

Taylor is always on the lookout for hidden calories—and switching up recipes to make them more supermodel-friendly when she can help it. “There’s so much sugar in drinks and dressings and sauces. Try to eat at home whenever you can,” she advises. “My husband and I eat a lot of clean, healthy food, lean meats, a lot of vegetables, and not a whole lot of sauces.”

One of her favorite simple swaps: “We cook with coconut oil instead of butter.”


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My HealthySELF: Model Niki Taylor Reveals Her Simple Beauty Secret

Friday, June 15, 2012 at 9:30 AM | posted by selfeditor

After surviving a near-fatal car accident in 2001, model Niki Taylor is showing her support for the American Red Cross in style. At Thursday's World Blood Donor Day event, Taylor launched a limited-edition "Giving Blood is Timeless" bandage collection with the help of first aid brand Nexcare.

"Many people don't realize that nearly 6 million Americans require a blood transfusion -- that's one person every two seconds! My goal is to spread the word about the need for more blood donors," she tells HealthySELF.

Supermodel, do-gooder, style icon ... that doesn't even begin to cover Taylor. We caught up with her and she dished about her charity work, her trick to getting energized (hint: it costs less than $3) and her surprising hobby.


What's the best beauty tip you've ever gotten?

The best beauty tip I've ever gotten is to always take off your makeup at night.

What energizes you for the day?

I love my Dunkin' Donuts coffee!

What's your favorite healthy snack?

I love healthy snacks like fruit during the day and Kashi GOLEAN Bars.

What's your biggest indulgence?

I try to have a lot of discipline when it comes to dessert and avoid unhealthy desserts altogether. Although during my pregnancies especially I definitely indulged in some snacks like Peanut M&M's, McDonald's French fries and Taco Bell tacos.

What's your favorite dish to bring to a party?

I love to make Napa Cabbage Salad. I throw in some shredded chicken -- it's a bit like a Chinese chicken salad. The dressing I make is with rice vinegar and soy sauce. I also like to bring side dishes, particularly simple potato dishes.

What do you do to stay healthy and fit?

I jog every day at 5 a.m. I wake up at 4:50 a.m. and am out the door by 5 a.m. and back home at 5:40 a.m. In the morning, it's nice and cool outside and nobody's out yet. I tend to have the most energy first thing in the morning.

What advice do you have for readers who might have trouble motivating themselves to get to the gym?

My best advice is to go to bed early and keep with a daily routine. If you go to bed early and eat a good dinner, you'll sleep amazingly. Hydrating is also so important for your brain and your skin, and of course trying to keep alcohol out of your system helps, too.

What would readers be surprised to learn about you?

Most people don't know that I love to ride motorcycles. Also that I don't buy clothes anymore.

When are you happiest?

I'm definitely happiest when I'm with my family. I'm happy each morning when I see my beautiful baby wake up with a big smile. I'm really very, very blessed to have my husband and family.

Do you have a role model?

There are a lot of women in my life that I look up to as role models -- my mom, my sister, but I would also say my husband. He is so smart and really organized. In a lot of ways we are total opposites, which is why I think our relationship works. I'm the dreamer and he's the realist.

What's up next for you?

"Having It All" is my new show that airs on WE tv. It's an informational program for women to help make their lives easier. We talk about different products, challenges and life changes and how to make life easier overall. It also touches on all subjects of life like family, cooking, health and fitness, charity and causes, finance and everything in between -- I love doing the show!

SELF readers can receive free samples of the "Giving Blood is Timeless" Bandage Collection by registering via the Nexcare Facebook page.

-- Lauren McKarus


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Niki Taylor: “I Was Floating On Cloud Nine After Birth”


From supermodel to supermommy, Niki Taylor says life is “amazing” with her family-of-six. Debuting her 55-pound weight loss after welcoming her son in November, the model mom attended the Nexcare give Campaign and World Blood Donor Day at the American Red Cross Ball in New York City. “It’s my mission to get the word out about how important it is to give blood,” she says.

The mom-of-four opens up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about her kids – 17-year-old twin sons Jake and Hunter, 3-year-old daughter Ciel, and son Rex, 7 months – and her euphoric experiences with natural childbirth. She also talks about feeling “truly blessed” after her accident in 2001 where she needed over 100 units of blood. “It’s like I got a second chance at life,” she shares. Read on about Niki’s inspirational story.

CBS: Tell us about partnering with the Nexcare give Campaign and World Blood Donor Day.

NT: “I’m an ambassador for the American Red Cross and it’s my mission to get the word out about how important it is to give blood. I was a recipient back in 2001. I needed over 100 units of blood, so I owe my life to blood donors.

I love that I get to be a spokesperson for Nexcare bandages because it’s a way to thank donors and inspire others to give. We need blood all the time. Not just for World Blood Donor Day, we need it all the time and it’s just such an honor to help get the word out there.

I love when things come full circle – I love being a spokesperson after needing blood after my accident. And I love fashion. I’ve been in the fashion industry for over 20 years, and this collection was inspired by iconic trends from past decades. So the Nexcare bandages have polka dots from the ’60s, tie dyed from the ’70s, Rubik’s cube for the ’80s, and grunge-plaid for the ’90s.”

CBS: You debuted your 55-pound weight loss at the event! How did you lose the weight?

NT: “I enjoyed my pregnancy – I craved junk food this pregnancy, and gained 55 pounds. As soon as I had him, I was like, ‘Alright, time to get to work.’ I walk and I’m a jogger so I slowly built-up to jogging. And I’ve been eating right.”

CBS: Are you breastfeeding?

NT: “I did not breastfeed. I breastfed Jake and Hunter, and Jake was the only one that latched on. So I pumped and it was probably the most painful thing I’ve ever done. And Jake has all these allergies, where Hunter doesn’t have any allergies. So I decided not to breastfeed, but my babies do amazing on formula.”

CBS: How is baby Rex doing?

NT: “He’s doing amazing! He’s the happiest baby ever. He’s always laughing and smiling and he just loves his big sister who’s now 3. And she’s so cute with him! They’re the best of friends already. She’s like a little tornado – just into everything and a little tomboy. And he gets such a kick out of it and is always wondering, ‘Where’s sissy at?’ ”

CBS: Has Ciel adjusted well to having a new baby in the house?

NT: “The first couple weeks were a little bit hard. I was like, ‘You can’t put that in his crib,’ and, ‘Don’t put that thing around his face,’ and, ‘Don’t swing things around him.’ And she’d go up to his bassinet and wake him up, but we got her over that and now he loves it. It seems the rougher she is with him, he just loves it.

It’s funny because my husband and I were talking about how they came from the same place and they like the same things, they love the same food, the same cartoons, the same toys. It’s really cute.”

CBS: How was the experience of a natural birth with no epidural for your 2 younger kids?

NT: “Amazing! You have to put into your head that you have a job to do. And I say this because I did have an epidural with Jake and Hunter, and I felt terrible afterwards. I really feel like because it’s in the spinal cord, it took so much out of me. I felt so depressed.

So, I encourage women to try drug-free births. If the baby’s head is down and you’re able to have a natural birth, you feel so good after having your baby.”

CBS: Did you use a midwife and/or doula?

NT: “No, I knew what to expect. With the internet now, you can go to BabyCenter where they have all these amazing videos on preparing you for what to expect. But the best thing to do is to talk to a mom who has been through a natural birth. Or go to a midwife.

I had to be induced, so it was a little more intense. But I think my pain tolerance from everything with my accident is maybe a little higher. I think if you get into that zone in active labor – yes, it hurts – but afterwards you feel amazing.

And your body does release natural endorphins afterward as well, so I was floating on cloud nine after giving birth. And I was able to walk around and go to the nursery with Ciel. With Rex, they don’t take him to the nursery, they do everything in the room. And then I was home by 2 o’clock the next day.”

CBS: You’ve been through so much! How is your life now?

NT: “My life is amazing! I feel truly blessed. It’s like I got a second chance at life, especially after my accident. I feel incredibly blessed by all the donors that came out and gave blood so that I could be sitting here talking to you. And I met an incredible man and married him. Then to have two more healthy babies is truly amazing.

And we just moved into a new house this past month. We’re in a beautiful place where we get to see deer every day and swing our kids outside. When I’m not working, I’m a house mom. I get to cook every night and take my kids to school. It’s great.”

CBS: Are you feeling 4 kids is enough?

NT: “Yes! It’s very, very busy! And everybody’s at a different stage. I think 4 is good….But then again, you never know!”

CBS: How do you manage the 4 kids and everyone’s schedules?

NT: “I always ask friends who have 6, and they say, ‘After the third, it’s no problem.’ Or, ‘After four, they all help.’

But I think you just don’t think about it. You’re just busy and you make everybody’s schedules work. That’s what’s so great about my husband and I – when he’s working, I’m not working. So I’ll be home and will do everything. And when I’m not home, he’ll do it or I’ll make sure somebody is here to help out. You just make it work. I don’t think there’s the perfect solution or thing that you can do.”

CBS: Are you continuing to model?

NT: “My modeling gigs now are lending my name to charities that are important to me, like the American Red Cross or Nexcare. If I get a modeling gig, I love doing catalogues or commercials. But I’m also doing a show on WE show called, Having it All. It’s a half-hour informational program. We often showcase products that make a woman’s life easier.”

CBS: Are you open to a reality TV show with your family?

NT: “No! I’m a private person although my life has been in the public eye. I want to keep that privacy. My husband is my husband and he’s all mine! I want to keep that to myself.”

CBS: Are you hoping to host more shows in the future?

NT: “I would love to host more shows, for sure. My dream is to own my own lifestyle brand. Right now, I’m working on shoes called Taylor’d by Niki Taylor. I love accessories and bags. And I think price points are very important because everybody is on a budget. I would love to have my collection at a T.J.Maxx or a Marshalls or a Walmart.”

CBS: How are Jake and Hunter doing?

NT: “They’re 17 and so grown up now! They’re driving now. We waited a year for them to get their license. To have that responsibility is such a big thing. I got my restricted license when I was 15 and I think, ‘Omigosh, I can’t believe they let me get my license at that young age!’

So they’re driving. They’re also going into the 12th grade. They love, love, love music. Jake plays the drums and the guitar, Hunter plays every kind of instrument. They’ve very talented. And this summer, they’re been to Bonnaroo.”


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My HealthySELF: Model Niki Taylor Reveals Her Simple Beauty Secret

Friday, June 15, 2012 at 9:30 AM | posted by selfeditor


What would readers be surprised to learn about you?

Most people don't know that I love to ride motorcycles. Also that I don't buy clothes anymore.

-- Lauren McKarus


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