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Andreea Diaconu


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I don't understand how anything positive can be seen in that editorial.

Girls look like they are about to be raped by someone in the dark alley and as for clothes you can't even see them properly.


I guess the only point of the shoot is to associate the mentioned brands with controversy. To me it's another 'yawn' moment in fashion.

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I don't understand how anything positive can be seen in that editorial.

Girls look like they are about to be raped by someone in the dark alley and as for clothes you can't even see them properly.


I guess the only point of the shoot is to associate the mentioned brands with controversy. To me it's another 'yawn' moment in fashion.

i think the whole point was that if they were indeed about to get raped they wouldnt even know it.

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I consider myself as quite sensitive person about sexist matters, but I must admit I think the editorial is more classist than sexist (even when the way they portray women is not proper). I mean, they show us drunk and unconscious women dressed in designer clothes. It's supposed to be glamorous. You know, something like "it's rock and roll, baby". But let's imagine the pictures show us the same women, in the same attitude but without all the fashionable stuff. It would be considered as the portrait of the marginal world (which means "poor"), involved in the worst vices (which means "a couple of disgusting drunks"). It would be far away from glamour and sexiness. At best, it would be a kind of portrait of the most vulnerable classes.
In brief, with expensive clothes, even drunkenness is "trendy" and "glamorous". Otherwise, you won't be more than an awful drunk. All your excesses can look different if you have money and you flaunt it.

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You're welcome! Flower%20for%20you.gif And thanks for your additions.


Andreea Diaconu and Liu Wen for Enviromental Justice Foundation (EJF) by Eric Guillemain.

"According to its website, the EJF strives to protect the natural environment and the people and wildlife that depend on it".


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Andreea is endorsing a good cause...

"Get this clutch for 50 $ and help restore a young girls dream by changing the community mentality regarding sexual abuse and equipping caregivers with tools for financial stability (the mothers made these bags and clutches, see @cameron_r for a bag pic) @artandabolition is a loving healing program for child sex slaves (as young as 6 year olds) in Nairobi where each child participates in arts programs and therapy sessions as well as rebuilding bonds with safe families and culminates in the girls going to school! One years tuition is 550 $, and brings incredulous amounts of happiness and sustainable development. If you can sponsor a girl or can afford a bag click on the link in my bio!"

This is the link she mentioned before.


post-86567-0-1446117646-05432_thumb.jpg post-86567-0-1446117646-06096_thumb.jpg

Spread the word! Flower%20for%20you.gif

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Thanks for the updates! Flower%20for%20you.gif


The One Magazine Romania Award.

This week, Andreea received an award from The One Magazine Romania in recognition of her achievements in fashion industry. Andreea couldn't be at the ceremony award (she was in Paris) and the hostess Andreea Macri (chief editor of The One Magazine) received the award for her. Even so, Andreea left a message.

This is the link to a brief article and video (Andreea speaks at the end).


Thanks to Syria for explaining to me all what I told you before (I don't speak Romanian).

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