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Bar Refaeli


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Thanks Bigmax, Kerri, LoveBR and Luckylove! :grouphug:

And I look forward to that pics, Adira :)

A lot of flights lately.

I hope this means her vacation is over :Angel: ,

This seems like an intervieuw with her for L' Officiel :D

Don't know what it says though :p




Anyone with more info on L' Officiel?

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Thanks Bigmax, Kerri, LoveBR and Luckylove! :grouphug:

And I look forward to that pics, Adira :)

A lot of flights lately.

I hope this means her vacation is over :Angel: ,

This seems like an intervieuw with her for L' Officiel :D

Don't know what it says though :p




Anyone with more info on L' Officiel?

Basically it's the same interview she did when she published her perfumes with Escada. I have the eitorial and I will scan it soon

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Thanks Bigmax, Kerri, LoveBR and Luckylove! :grouphug:

And I look forward to that pics, Adira :)

A lot of flights lately.

I hope this means her vacation is over :Angel: ,

This seems like an intervieuw with her for L' Officiel :D

Don't know what it says though :p




Anyone with more info on L' Officiel?

It's a brand new editorial?? :D

I thought they just used an Passionata photo!

Basically it's the same interview she did when she published her perfumes with Escada. I have the eitorial and I will scan it soon

Oh! That's great! :D

The pic looks kinda Passionata-ish so I though they just used one of those for the interview ;)

EDIT: So I was right :p


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Here are additional pictures of our lovely lady attending the inauguration of the Morocco Mall in Casablanca.




I would love to watch her interviews. Again, she looked graceful, poised and elegant. Little makeup, little jewelry and a classic dress. :)

Thanks for the Passionata calendar photos, bigmax and kat! :wave: :drool: These are pure gems! I can not wait to see the bridal collection in January! ;)

Thanks for the L'Officiel link, wijn! :)

bigmax, I have never seen this cute picture of Bar with Noam and his girfriend. Adorable!

Thanks dawson and LucyLover for assorted pictures!

Babylola, I think the photos of Bar from Eyal Nevo are among the most interesting, sexiest and glamorous shots! Very artistic! Thanks for sharing. :wave:

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