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Bar Refaeli


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Thanks everyone who brought those fabulous pictures of Bar at the MTV Berlin awards!!!! :drool:

Isn't she absolutely stunning!! Thanks Vamp for these great HD photos.... you made my day. I was so much looking forward for these pics. :p

I don't know about you, guys... and if it's only me... but as I look at her in her recent pictures, the girl is beaming, litterally. She is glowing with health and happiness. I wonder what's in her life right now? But it makes her look awesome!! ;)

I dunno - I think Bar always looks happy and glowing at red carpet events. I think she even looks a bit tired in some of the pics - at least, it looks like she has bags under her eyes under the makeup :blink: . But I love her outfit - it's different and fresh and she looks great in it.

Yes she always looks glowing at red carpet events... but I noticed that lately, she looked more confident, secure and very, very healthy! Which makes me think there is something nice and positive going on in her life. And it could be anything (professional or personal).

Thanks VAMP for more stunning photos. Very appreciated! :) I also like the ones where she is leaving her hotel in Berlin. In the "gossip center" article, it says she is carrying her pooch....?? Where is it hidden exactly? Just curious.

Here is a translated article and scroll down a bit, there is a short interview with Bar on the red carpet before the show.


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Bar and her boyfriend Zion.

She's no longer with Leo DiCaprio???

The wonderful news came months ago back on June 9th of this year! Try not to be too sad. :whistle: I know they're people here hoping that they will get back together but it will NEVER happen just like how she will NEVER be an angel, you'll see for yourself... :wave:


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few photos from Israel

bar on the weekend newspaper back in Israel about the MTV music awards

giving kisses for free!!! :laugh:

and also the fox poster on the tel aviv hi way

it is very imprssive and every one who go to tel aviv can see it - the photos from my mobile phone so sorry for the bad qulity...

bar looks amazgin and it is without de caprio who made her very sad




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few photos from Israel

bar on the weekend newspaper back in Israel about the MTV music awards

giving kisses for free!!! :laugh:

and also the fox poster on the tel aviv hi way

it is very imprssive and every one who go to tel aviv can see it - the photos from my mobile phone so sorry for the bad qulity...

bar looks amazgin and it is without de caprio who made her very sad

bar looks amazgin and it is without de caprio who made her very FAME!!!!!!! :wave:

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plus-me I didn't understand without Leo, Bar made fame? You know I like her and don't have nothing against Bar but it's because she dates Leo that made her very well known, isn't it? at least for me, because until she start to date Leo I had never heard of her before and I think lot of people too, I think in Israel she was known since she was a child, but in other places of the world she got famous for being with Leo. But please anyone get me wrong, I think she's a good model and it's beautiful!

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plus-me I didn't understand without Leo, Bar made fame? You know I like her and don't have nothing against Bar but it's because she dates Leo that made her very well known, isn't it? at least for me, because until she start to date Leo I had never heard of her before and I think lot of people too, I think in Israel she was known since she was a child, but in other places of the world she got famous for being with Leo. But please anyone get me wrong, I think she's a good model and it's beautiful!

I like her too and I have nothing against her.She really beautiful and many women want to be the same as she is.But...you are absolutely right. She became a World Celebrity only because of Leo. About her nobody knew before her relationship with him. So I do not think it is right when people write that without Leo she looks happy and better for them to be apart.I think that should be respected what gave for her Leo- FAME!.. Of course she will be happy!.She take a great gift from him- Glory. She is everywhere now. And I sometimes wonder - and not the glory of whether she was needed?

With all due respect to her and to her work, which really takes a long time, I think sometimes that she is happy just because she feels famous. :kiss:

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I agree in some points, I think Bar really looks happy for being famous but I also don't think it's wrong, I think every one wants sucess in the career, specially her as a model, I think since she starts to work she wants to be recocnized by her work as every one wants, but it's clear she got famous through her relationship with Leo, but it's something that I think it's boring too, because she will be remembered for being Leo's ex and not for her work at all. But I also think that apart from being a good model, she's beautiful, she have a wonderful face and a great body, she's healthy, that is something that I like in her, because some models are anorexic but she's not a fashion model and I think it's this that don't make her career go forward, you know?

she is a swinsuit model, lingerie and beachwear model because of her amazing body that's not what we see in the runways but I think this should change I think models like Bar should be in the runway because they are more real and more feminine looking, I think she's too "HEALTHY" for the fashion shows, what's totally wrong in my opinion, she has the fame (but this isn't all) I think she should have more jobs to show that she's a great model and she could do fashion, photoshoots and campaings...

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Are we still talking about DiCaprio? EFF HIM! Less talk about Leo and more pictures!

Here's another FOUR pix of Bar at the EMA's!


th_72000a55720055.gif/monthly_11_2009/post-18518-0-1446054095-36479_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3012478" alt="post-18518-0-1446054095-36479_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="145.47">





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I would love to know what she said during that interview she gave while promoting VIM fitness....(video on the left). She had so much to say.


VAMP, thanks again for more gorgeous enlarged pictures of Bar from the EMA's! :drool: That last HQ one is stunning! BAR IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! We are very lucky to have you here to share such treasures! :)

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