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Bar Refaeli


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Flying High

Uninspiring gym routines could soon be a thing of the past thanks to a new workout developed by the showmen at Cirque du Soleil and sports brand Reebok. Jukari Fit to Fly centres around the FlySet - a specially designed piece of equipment that hangs from the ceiling and swivels 360 degrees. A series of moves and postures are carried out on the acrobat-inspired hanging bar, which strengthens the body through cardio, balance and core training while giving the sensation of flying. Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli helped launched the new fitness regime - which will launch this year in twelve major cities, including London and Los Angeles. For more information, visit www.reebok.com.


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Bar is in Slovenia to film an ad with models Anže Mežan in Rožle Langus. DiCaprio is with her. Apparently he rented a cottage in Portoroz for the weekend. Stay tuned... we'll sure have pics of the two soon. :)

I'am glad that Leo is with her, since she's working and traveling a lot so he goes to see her, good boyfriend, Leo!

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KerriLynn - where do you get this info? You have to admit, people are gonna be curious how U know this kind of information when it isn't found anywhere else...makes me think you work with Bar or somethinng???

it's a good question, but I sincerely hope this is true!

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Hi and thanks to everyone for all the Bar news and pictures and to Kerri for telling us where Bar is right now. Hey Jennifer, I have an update of sorts thanks to my friend the Leo fan. There's a new picture of Bar in Slovenia but still no sign of Leo. My friend doesn't think he's there. There was a sighting of Leo and Bar drinking coffee in town according to one of Kerri's links but that's it. I disagree with my friend and think Leo's there but is obviously hiding from the paps. The Slovenia newspaper below is trying hard to find Leo. I hope they succeed because it would be nice to see a picture of Leo and Bar together. Sorry Leo! LOL!



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I found two items about Bar in the Jerusalem Post. The second item is about Bar's grandmother. It's really cute. Bar's grandmother sounds like an awesome woman like her granddaughter and Bar has said that people always tell her that she looks like her. Does anyone have a picture of her?


TOURISM MINISTER Stas Misezhznikov, who is directing his energies toward attracting Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land, is obviously not going to follow the example of Isaac Herzog, one of his predecessors in office, in enlisting the services of supermodel Bar Refaeli in promoting tourism. He might be prompted to rethink his strategies, though, and to work on two parallel tracks since Refaeli came in third on the annual Hot 100 list for 2009 published by Maxim magazine.

THE WOMEN in Refaeli's family are all attention getters. Her mother, Tzipi, is a former model and her grandmother, Pnina Levin, is competing in a golden age dance contest this week. If she wins, there will be double cause for celebration in the family as they get ready to mark Bar's 24th birthday on June 4.

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I found two items about Bar in the Jerusalem Post. The second item is about Bar's grandmother. It's really cute. Bar's grandmother sounds like an awesome woman like her granddaughter and Bar has said that people always tell her that she looks like her. Does anyone have a picture of her?


TOURISM MINISTER Stas Misezhznikov, who is directing his energies toward attracting Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land, is obviously not going to follow the example of Isaac Herzog, one of his predecessors in office, in enlisting the services of supermodel Bar Refaeli in promoting tourism. He might be prompted to rethink his strategies, though, and to work on two parallel tracks since Refaeli came in third on the annual Hot 100 list for 2009 published by Maxim magazine.

THE WOMEN in Refaeli's family are all attention getters. Her mother, Tzipi, is a former model and her grandmother, Pnina Levin, is competing in a golden age dance contest this week. If she wins, there will be double cause for celebration in the family as they get ready to mark Bar's 24th birthday on June 4.

I also had a birthday few days ago! :laugh:



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lets hope they will hire bar first thing tommorow mornining! hahah

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