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Bar Refaeli


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how many covers she was on ?

I don't know,But According to fashionmodeldirectory:

Argentina: 'Elle' - January 2007

France: 'Elle' - February 13 2006; 'Elle' - 27 March, 17 April, 17 July 2006

Italy: 'GQ' - March 2006

Latvia: 'Elle' - August 2006

Norway: 'Elle' - July 2006

Spain: 'DT' - June 2006; 'Elle' - August 2006; 'Telva' - December 2006; 'Marie Claire' - May 2007; 'Woman' - October 2007

Sweden: 'Elle' - July 2006

UK: 'Maxim' - May 2006; 'Tatler' - October 2007; 'Arena' - February 2008

I know Bar was on Elle France 17 September 2007, Elle France 28 January 2008, Elle Norwegian Juni 2007. Gq Russia(2006),Elle Russia(2006). Grazia Italy (2006).Elle Poland(2006).Evening Standard january 2008.

Here you can see some Bar covers:




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Hi Solange, :wave:

I don't think that Kerri-Lynn speaks Hebrew. She probably guessed what the article was about because I also thought the article was about wedding or pregnancy rumours when I first saw it on the Maariv website. The reason was because there were some nasty comments in English, about Bar, in the comments section. I have Jewish friends and know what some of the terms mean like Herem which means excommunication from Judaism for acting in a way that goes against Jewish law. They were other comments that were basically accusing Bar of being a traitor to Judaism. That's sad that some Israelis think that about Bar.

It's hard for some some people in Israel to see a successful native Jewish girl dating a famous non-Jewish actor of German ancestory. What has made things worse were Bar's supposedly anti-patriotic comments. I do think she was misquoted but unfortunately those comments are still being reported as fact around Israel and the world. Bar should have gone on Israeli television immediately and explained that her words were distorted but unfortunately she hasn't really confronted the issue. That has made things worse and it's sad to see how some people hate her in Israel. If anyone knows Hebrew here please translate the article and tell us what the fuss is all about.

Now on to nicer things. I agree with you that Leo won't be marrying anyone for awhile because of his schedule but I wouldn't be surprised if Bar is the one. Like you I didn't think that Leo and Bar were that serious but now I've changed my mind. I definately think that Leo will marry Bar if they're still together in a year. It seems that they've gotten over the rough patches of their relationship and are now really in love. I wish them luck!

Bar looks absolutely amazing in all her modeling pics but she looks absolutely stunning in just regular pictures hanging out with her family and friends. I can't believe that she has practically no make-up on in those pictures. I'm so jealous! I've heard that Bar actually looks prettier in person which has to make her one of the most beautiful women in the world. I can't imagine how Bar could look any prettier than in her pictures! Wow!

Does anyone know if Bar is back in Israel? The Jewish holiday of Passover is in two weeks so if Bar is not in Israel presently she should be there soon. It would be great if Leo accompanied Bar to Israel to celebrate Passover. That would be so awesome! I'm so hoping for that!

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First to the negative stuff - rainyday, dont be upset or worried about what some unintelligent people say about Bar.They are the ones who are not good people if they think someone is bad for not being with someone who is not her nationality or religion or that they think someone who is of German descent is not worthy of an Israeli/Jew. That kind of thinking is what is wrong with the world. Leo and Bar are an example of people rising above nationalistic/religious single-minded thinking which leads to wars and hate. Why is she bad for avoiding a draft? If more people like her refuse it, maybe that would put a stop to killing and war. Its a crazy world.

I still dont know if they are couple on way to marriage. remember, people (some people) thought so with him and Giz - they were together, their families got together, she moved to LA to be with him, he went to Brazil, she was seen wearing engagement ring etc etc.And him and Giz were closer in age; I think Bar is so young - she barely almost 23! No matter how you slice it, that is young, and I dont think she ready to settle down. And Leo, maybe he is kind that dont like to have that legal binding in marriage with anybody! But that's just my opinion. Also, I dont think he will go to Israel - esp now or in2 weeks; he is working, he can't just go fly off somewhere (ok, he did that recently to go to HongKong but that was like for 1-2 days and related to his enviro work). Plus, didnt she say she wont bring anybody to Israel anymore since what happened last time? I feel afraid for his safety too now if he go there that I learn such hateful thinking exists there.

LYE - my God, she is so beautiful in those pics you posted. Thanks!!!! She look like a Barbie doll in this one


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Incredibly awesome pictures!!! :drool: Thank you so much, Lye for sharing them all. She is absolutely stunning in all of them! I totally love the IRIT Spring Summer 2008 collection, it suits her so well.

rainyday and Solange, I wish I could be fluent in Hebrew... I am not, unfortunately. But when it is working, I use from time to time the GTS online or the Paralink translation engines. They help a lot to understand what the sentences mean. One of my sisters though can read Hebrew because she studied it at the University.

But what I understood from the NRG article I posted was that at the end they asked Bar's mother if the couple was talking marriage and it mentioned that she refused to answer. That's all.

Unlike you, I don't think that a man who is busy working shouldn't be able to take the time to get married. Most of the people I know have a full time job and find the time to get married. Doctors, politicians, teachers... and even actors and models having a busy schedule can certainly take a week or even a weekend off in their life-time to tie the knot and go for a honeymoon. ;) It doesn't take a long vacation for that.

Yes both (Bar and Leo) seem very busy right now with their work obligations, but they seem to manage to spend a great deal of time together, which is great. And definitely is a meaning of a serious relationship. I hope they will remain serious because both look very happy after being together for more than two years.

Jay-Z and Beyonce are a good example. They have been together since 2002, and have long remained quiet on their relationship...They never really acknowledged they were dating, but it now seems Jay-Z and Beyonce are now married. Given their desire for secrecy, they made no announcement. Jay-Z is 38 and Beyonce is 26. I believe both have very busy schedules...but apparently they found the time to make their relationship official. I think it's cool. CONGRATULATIONS! :wub:

My personal opinion is that Bar and Leo might get married someday (even if Bar clearly specified that she didn't believe in marriage). She wants children and I wouldn't be surprised they get married in Beyonce and Jay-Z's way.

As for Leo going back to Israel, I believe it will happen. He seemed to have liked his stay there very much. And after all, they were bothered by the razzi only for one day when they visited Vad Yashen and the tunnel. From what I read, they were left alone for the rest of his trip. So he will definitely travel to Israel again. Hope we'll hear and read about it. And I have no idea if Bar should be in Israel for the Passover this year... two years ago in 2006, Bar was photographed with Leo in Paris right in the middle of that year's Passover (April 13 to April 19). We had delightful pictures of the romantic couple frolicking in Paris and taking a few days to visit Leo's friend Guillaume Canet in the country side of France.





And at last year's Passover time, I remember seeing Bar with her dad accompanying Leo in Las Vegas and after we saw cute pictures of Bar and Leo shopping in a food store in L.A. So Bar was not in Israel at that time either.

The GO magazine cover is gorgeous. Is there an interview inside? What does it say? I would love to know! :)

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New Leo&Bar sighting in NY

According to E! News online, Leonardo and Bar going to see another Broadway show (this time a dramatic play)this past Saturday.

There were earlier report and photos of them at In the Heights musical.

BIG APPLE ROMANCE: Leonardo DiCaprio and Bar Refaeli, taking in a Saturday-night performance of Broadway's August: Osage County in New York City. :heart:


Thanks to Courtney Sax :)

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