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Bar Refaeli


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Thanks zopehosting for this fabulous clip of Bar's latest stay in Israel! Wow she sure was busy doing different things. TV ads, a talkshow, visit to children's hospital, new photo shoot collection for Irit and discussing her Plastic bags campaing project! :)

I would have loved to watch her on that TV talk show, she looked so beautiful. I wonder what was she asked? Leo, of course ;) among other things. What channel was it exactly? There is no way we can see a preview?

I read from Cindy Adams's column that the next SI's swimsuit issue will have a twelve-page spread of Bar, all pictures taken in Israel. I can't wait to see this!

Guys, if you are registered to downtownblog in L.A., and are a member of Bloglines, you can read many sightings of celebrities in L.A. Peter or Jason report regurlarly cute stuff on very well known people and their whereabouts in the City. They also report on policiticans. Most of these "sightings" never appear on other columns. Blogline is international and this is where I got the pic of one of Leo's bodyguards in Morocco when he had his picture taken with Bar on Leo's birthday in Ouarzazate! So this is where I read about Leo and Bar shopping in Beverly Hills. As for Splashnews, go on their main page, and on the top right corner, click on videos... but you need to be registered, of course! Bar/Leo's clip is now on second page, second row.

And zopehosting... I think Leo should go back someday to Israel. From what I read at the time he visited the country last year, he seemed to enjoy it a lot and he had on the contrary a very good impression. After all, only on one occasion they were bothered by the razzis and press.. it was when they visited the famous Holocaust museum. The rest of the stay was very calm, as they were able to go to many places in the North without being harassed. Please, if you ever read of hear he is coming... LET US KNOW!!!! :drool:

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Guys, if you are registered to downtownblog in L.A., and are a member of Bloglines, you can read many sightings of celebrities in L.A. Peter or Jason report regurlarly cute stuff on very well known people and their whereabouts in the City. They also report on policiticans. Most of these "sightings" never appear on other columns. Blogline is international and this is where I got the pic of one of Leo's bodyguards in Morocco when he had his picture taken with Bar on Leo's birthday in Ouarzazate! So this is where I read about Leo and Bar shopping in Beverly Hills. As for Splashnews, go on their main page, and on the top right corner, click on videos... but you need to be registered, of course! Bar/Leo's clip is now on second page, second row.


So - can you please post the link to downtownla blog??? And how do you register for splashnews videos? When I tried to register, it seemed like they only register people who have press credentials or something. If you can't share the video password, can you just describe what's in the video? THANKS!

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http://barrefaeli2008.goop.co.il/Web/SiteHomePage.aspx is not working :blink: :blink: :blink:

Mabye noa love perfect Bar knows something about this??? :whistle:

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Hi everybody! This is my first time posting here even though I've visited this site several times. You gals do a great job in updating and loading all of the latest news and pictures of Bar. Anyway, I have a question about the walli video. Is Bar in Israel right now? I thought Bar was in Los Angeles because she was pictured having dinner with Leonardo in Beverly Hills this past Saturday. Wasn't Bar in Israel only a week ago?

I would be surprised if Bar went back to Israel so soon. I've read conflicting reports about whether she was going to move to Los Angeles to live with Leonardo. In the interview it seemed they asked her about L.A. and she seemed coy about it.(?) My inquiring mind needs to know! Thanks! :wave:

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