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Free Virus Scanners?

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Hi everyone! I have a problem. My subscription to Norton Antivirus ran out recently (which is fine by me because that stupid thing never even worked very well <_< ) and I have been DELUGED by bad viruses lately that have been sending out spam from my hotmail account. :cry:

I tried using the free version of BitDefender Virus Scan, as well, but although it claims to delete viruses, I always find 8-28 viruses everytime I use it. I'm not sure if it's actually deleting them or what. :(

Is there any good unpaid virus scan programs out there that I could use? If necessary, are there any good paid ones. Pleae, I'm desperate for help! :blush:

(I already use AdAware and Spybot, btw.)



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I recommend:


The home version is free, you just need to register it (which is free) after 60 days of use.

Updates come out  at least 2 times a week, and it can monitor your memory, hdd, emails (in and out), and the browser.

It stops trojans from downloading on your comp.


Thank you! It looks very helpful!

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