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Leo interview video early this month


Leo interview video early this month


Thanks a lot for posting this interview - great stuff. The Chinese interviewer asked great questions, seemed to have followed Leo's career very knowledgeably, and Leo himself seemed really into the interview as a result.

Hello everyone. Hope you are all well. Gatsby is getting closer. I can't wait for Leo's performance. He will be brilliant I know.

Unfortunately, no matter what I try, I can't view the Chinese interview. Did I miss anything really good or interesting? :)

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First thing....that Esquire shoot...LOVE! Photos are so quirky, showing his silly side, love seeing him have fun in a photoshoot like this. Also can't wait to get the whole interview, cause the quotes on some of the pictures are very interesting! Thanks ox :hug:

Another Gatsby TV spot with the footage of Gemma Ward and new Leo scenes too!

YES! This is the one that I saw during the NBA championship game...first glimpse of gemma ward! Thanks!

Also thanks Calibi for the new fergie gatsby trailer :)

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Will we be expecting a new interview with Barbara Walters? :woot:

Leonardo DiCaprio Insists There's 'No Handbook For Fame'

But Leonardo has insisted that there is no handbook which allows you to cope with the ups and downs of being in the spotlight.

"There's no handbook for fame", The Great Gatsby actor told 20/20's Barbara Walters.

"There's no handbook for being splashed on the cover of People magazine when you didn't want to be there, or being on the cover of the Enquirer, you know, all these magazines, and being talked about here and there, speculated, you know, 'Who's he? What's he doing here? What's he doing with this person?' or whatever. I had nobody to talk to. I had nobody to guide me".

But the hunk insists that despite the hardship that being under media scrutiny brings, he still feels extremely grateful.

"I'm not at all going to sit here and say that I'm not completely grateful. I feel completely blessed for everything that has happened in my career".


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Daisy & Calibi

Tks for more great Gatsby trailers; Leo looks to die for as Gatsby :drool:


Tks for excerpt from interview Leo gave Walters :)

I see it is actually from interview Leo gave on 20/20 back in 2002 when CYMC/Gangs were in theaters


Esquire cover pix

One think I liked about the cover pix is the photog had Leo hold in his hand what we see him with the most in candid pix : his electric ciggi and his cellphone :p

Django dvd release

Looking forward to buying my dvd later today :ddr:

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Tks for excerpt from interview Leo gave Walters :)

I see it is actually from interview Leo gave on 20/20 back in 2002 when CYMC/Gangs were in theaters

Ohh I see! I hate it when the advertise these quotes as if they are in a new interview :/

Thanks for the screen caps Daisy+Gatsby!

Django dvd release

Looking forward to buying my dvd later today :ddr:

Me too :dance:

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Leonardo DiCaprio Covers 'Esquire' May 2013

Leonardo DiCaprio is all suited up on the cover of Esquire magazine’s May 2013 issue.

Here’s what the 38-year-old The Great Gatsby actor had to share with the mag:

On being single: “Six months of being on location or being off in Morocco or someplace like that is not the best thing for a relationship.”

On what propels him: “I always thought of myself as the underdog, because I didn’t have nice enough clothes or maybe my hair didn’t look good. And so you have to understand – getting your foot in the door is like winning the lottery. It’s literally like winning the lottery if you get to have a career. And I’ve always felt, Okay, now I’ve gotten this shot, and I’m lucky to have gotten this shot, and if I don’t do this to the best of my ability – if I don’t work my as* off and make a life of it – I’ve squandered this incredibly golden opportunity. And that’s always been what has propelled me.”

On his early success: “I really didn’t understand what fame was and I didn’t understand what being in a giant hit was and I didn’t understand what a giant hit Titanic was compared to other giant hits. There was no rule book. There was nobody to navigate me through the experience of being watched all the time and nobody to tell me how to be normal when everybody is acting and looking at me differently.”


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Other quotes from esquire

Leonardo DiCaprio Talks Pesky Paparazzi in Esquire May 2013

"Mostly recently, the last few years, I feel way more comfortable than I've ever felt," the "Titanic" star explained about his career. "You always talk about that, and then one day you're like, 'If they don't like this, well, f***'em.' What can you do?"

"Hey, look, I'm pretty well-formed as an adult now. I don't have to impress anybody," he added.

When discussing the annoying shutterbugs, Mr. DiCaprio said, "Look, if you're not careful about it, it can develop into a social anxiety. It's like, what's going to happen, what photographer is going to jump out where, what kind of thing am I being set up for? You try to talk yourself out of it, but you're never used to it."


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Oxford...that Esquire shoot is to die for!! :woot:

This man is soooo charming and I love black and white pix! Those pix show us a relaxed and natural Leo...ok,I do love this man!! :nicole: What makes him so special? The answer is...Leo is just being Leo all the time,he never pretends to be another person. :wub2:

But I need to make a quick comment...I hate how some people bash him like anything when it comes to aging...and for me Leo looks great,a matured 38 year-old man and he's fine and more handsome than ever!! :brows: He's not Jack Dawson anymore and some people need to understand that!!

Tks for the articles and tweets and covers...you rock!! :flower:

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