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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Hey Pami :hug: I added more to my post before seeing you already replied sometimes I post too fast and don't read over my posts the first time and then after I think of something else I wanted to say :laugh:

Oh i'm doing good hun! Ecstatic to be home after a hell day at work lol.

Sad there's no new Leo news today :( I was hoping to come home to some great leo news hahah :p

Yeah I can see!!hehe I do agree with you and and I think it's just a matter of time and Leo will settle down someday. :)

Nice to talk to you again! :hug:

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Yeah hopefully soon hehe. Actually to be honest I don't care with who..... I just want to see him be a dad so bad!! I'm growing impatient but it's his life and he knows what's best for him... I guess lol :p

Always a pleasure talking to you too Pami. You are too sweet and I love your presence on here :heart:

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Tks Nanda! :clap:

One more for our group,one more...come on,dont be ashamed!

I'm all the way down :laugh::clap:

Please don't understand my posts in the wrong way, like I said, he's just a bit of a flirt but also wonderful wonderful wonderful :wub:

About the five year relationships;

I think it's hard for his gf's to draw the conclusion that Leo's not going to settle down (yet)

How can you not love that man with all your heart? :heart:

And how hard must it be to end it all after so many years because you want to move on and he doesn't? :cry:

I think all his gf's hoped to marry him some day, but got tired of waiting..

Leo is in my opinion a big big catch, he's funny, popular, sweet, famous, succesful, rich, has many friends, seems to have a great family, is very passionate about the enviroment, seems great with kids,

he's just the whole package, there are so many reasons to stay with him, and it's hard to let go :p

(Jack, jack)

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It's great we can have good conversation even on a topic like LEo's GFs.

Sick, I know what U are saying about how U feel Leo's fans defend him all the time BUT to be fair ,there are some fans who do that but I think there are also a lot of fans who are honest and say they dont like this about him, or he looks not so great in some pic; or that a movie of his wasnt that great, etc, and I've read on this very board, people posting that they don't like who he dates and he should grow up and get married.

I know U wrote U don't care to talk about other people or his GFs, but you cannot just say one thing about Leo fans or LEo and ignore other people.

BEcause it's the same with any other celebrity - they have those fans also who defend them no matter what. I guess you a big Giz fan going by your siggi so I think you probably tend to see things in a positive light with Giz. I remember when Leo was dating her, there were some fans of hers who would post on a Leo fan board, and nothing Giz did was ever bad or wrong; they always had her in a good light.

So it's the same thing with some Leo fans - there are fans like that too who give him the benefit of the doubt all the time. It's not just a LEO thing.

Also, you said there must be something wrong on Leo's side cuz he 's had a lot of GFs and none worked out. Actually, he hasn't been in that many long term relationships - just 3 so far. I think Giz has had many more relationships that failed or rumored hookups than Leo. And I don't count GOSSIP. Gossip is not truth or reality. I dont feel like there needs to be a blame game about when it comes to all relationships. SOmetimes there is no one to blame, people change and fall out of love and that is not a thing you can blame someone for.

Thanks Katchitup - you are SO nice to send me a siggie. I will try it out now. :heart:

yeah! I'm a huge fan of Gisele :wub: just like Leo's! :wub:

those two are my fav celebs and I also say thing about Gisele that I don't like,just love to be straight! :trout:

you know,I'm more strict to the celebs I love the most than to others!

I think of all of their sides and try to make conclusion!

but there's many different views and that's why I don't love talking about private life,but sometimes I fell like to say everything and I guess that was one of the moment! :p

thanks everyone for updates! :wave:

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Thanks for the tweets everyone! Cool he was at some Vegas show last night, I wonder if he was with Bradley again? :blush:

And fash I totally agree with you. I just want to see Leo having a baby. To tell you the truth I always figured fatherhood is more important to him than marriage, so I can see him having a baby without getting married.

Also fash I sent you a few PM's! :hug: :p

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Yes, I agree Danny Archer is walking sex :ddr:

And, in regard to your new group :clap: :dance: :clap::ddr::clap: :hell yea!: :clap::ddr::clap: :hell yea!:

Re : photo I posted. Yes, if one has to be at work on Saturday at least you have a great view :)


Thanks so much for my sig :) :) :)

The Vegas tweets so far don't mention who he was with , but we know from past sightings, he is never there by himself.

And, yes, let's hope Bradley and he don't drink too much and get a hangover ! :)


Thanks for Hope Solo video mention of Leo :)

Solange & Wijn

Thanks for Vegas sigtings of Leo at Le Reve :)

It seems like Le Reve is like Disneyland to him. As I remember reading about him going to see the show in the past with others. He must really enjoy it.

And another Vegas tweet from one of the Pussycat Dolls in show at Le Reve

ColbyAmanda Colby Amanda

Leo dicaprio is watching le reve tonight!!

12 hours ago

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And fash I totally agree with you. I just want to see Leo having a baby. To tell you the truth I always figured fatherhood is more important to him than marriage, so I can see him having a baby without getting married.

Can you imagine how extremely cute that baby would be? :wub:

I want to see a little Leo with big blue eyes :)

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OMG Thanks for the vid Oxford!!!!! He is sooooooo sexy in that commericial.... :woot: This one has many more scenes in it and is alot longer, which is awesome. Its almost like a movie! A movie that I would really like to see! :p

Thanks sooo much!! :hug:

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