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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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hey pheiress: I totally agree with this you wrote, I will put again because you stole my toughts, hehehe :laugh:

I don't think it's just a summer romance, I think Leo really likes her. At first I was really annoyed by it but I have to be honest, this is the first time it seems like Leo is after a girl because he's into her for more than looks. I think almost anyone would agree that Blake is not as drop-dead gorgeous as Bar, but he and Bar were very different culturally and really didn't have anything in common work-wise. Blake is someone I think Leo really connects with considering they both grew up in Hollywood and share the same passion for acting. Don't get me wrong, I think Bar is a fascinating, intelligent, sweet and down to earth girl who definitely has a lot more to offer than her appearance, but I'm guessing he and Blake just have a lot more in common. Dare I say it, but I think our Leo may actually be growing up a bit.

Agree 100% with everything you said!!!

Thanks so much, it's really nice to know that other Leo fans agree with me and see where I'm coming from. :)

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WTF, fake?? They don't look at all fake to me!!! That's crazy though... I guess we can't really talk about it in here although I wish we could hahaha. It is kind of funny though. I don't want to use the word "karma" but it does come to mind....

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well, I kinda doubt her spokesperson would deny it if it weren't true that they are fake - it would be worse if they denied it and it was true.LOL.

btw, very classy avatar pheiress :laugh: - very classy, BAR! Since you know a lot about Leo, have you heard anything recent about his stepbrother? Seems like he dropped off the earth after he had that trouble with his girlfriend (hey, maybe that's why LEo is afraid to commit,LOL)

Hi bariace !

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I will not say anything about this! But what I want to say is that I hope Leo did that movie with Tarantino, it seems soooooooooo interesting, Leo playing the villain in a western movie, AMAZING! But I don't know if he will have time for this, because it was said will start shooting in october and he still have to shoot Gatsby in Australia.

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Personnally I don't belive about the article of us magazine... The only things that they can prove me that it is a serious relationship and not a summer romance is : See pictures of blake with leo'mother and his friends (kate winslet, tobey maguire, kevin connely) be with her in public (kissing and holding hand in US like she did with penn badgley and seeing together on the red carpet. All this things could prove that he loves her and that he is a serious relation...

Personnaly I don't like blake she is completley different from bar and gisele I mean Bar and gisele are very natural when they don't work wearing simple clothes and concerning about the environement like leo. Moreover I don't think that leo and blake have the acting in common I mean they don't play in the same categorie, moreover in the past leo was with manequin and even if they don't act leo loved them because he liked their personnality.

Personnaly I think that time will tell us if it is a serious or not a serious relation, I mean they were in France without familly and pressure it was like vaccation but when they will be in us things would be differents : career , paprazzi, familly and friends opinion....

In some french mag they said that when blake and leo were in porto fino and then with did not see her in naomi birthay it is because noami doesn't want to invite her in her birthay because noami is bar's friend and she doesn't like blake and if you see the pictures it is truth that there are no photos of blake and noami.

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In some french mag they said that when blake and leo were in porto fino and then with did not see her in naomi birthay it is because noami doesn't want to invite her in her birthay because noami is bar's friend and she doesn't like blake and if you see the pictures it is truth that there are no photos of blake and noami.

It is so ridiculous! and Naomi and Bar are not friends. Naomi and Leo are "real" friends.

But true! US magazine article is fan fiction. IMHO Blake and Leo are having fun.

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well, I kinda doubt her spokesperson would deny it if it weren't true that they are fake - it would be worse if they denied it and it was true.LOL.

btw, very classy avatar pheiress :laugh: - very classy, BAR! Since you know a lot about Leo, have you heard anything recent about his stepbrother? Seems like he dropped off the earth after he had that trouble with his girlfriend (hey, maybe that's why LEo is afraid to commit,LOL)Hi bariace !

Solange fantastic questions, I would really like to know as well, that was my theory as well because I read somewhere on another board about his step-brother's problem with that gf, from what I read there it was really bad, the gf accused him of hitting her and of threatening to kill her. He was arrested and everything, but then Leo's people made it disappear, and noone knew what had happened.

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Thank you all for the discussion! :hug: Its a sucky thing to happen to a young star like Blake, and I'm sure she'll pull through as many young stars have!! And I'm not sure if the pics are real or fake, but it does look alot like blake, perhaps photoshop? Who knows!??

Anywho we NEED an Hoover trailer!!! I know we can't be to far away from it!! :D

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You know guys I have a question, why do Leo's girlfirends stir up such hate? IS it because of they represent a certain type (whatever that my be)?

I remember when he was dating BAr and I went on JustJared because i noticed there were a ton of comments and the hate targeted at BAr was just overwhelming.

Was it the same when he was dating Gisele?

no, Leo fans didn't hate Gisele a lot but they hated Bar,cuz they just couldn't get used to fact that Bar was with Leo and not Gisele. Gisele was very very successful in her career and press was writing about her quite often.Bar was unknown for everyone and she's not very successful model,that's why people say Bar was using Leo for fame.

pheiress,Leo was the only one who was bagging Gisele to get back together.Gisele decided that they had to break up and why she would bag him to be together again.and after their break up Leo's friends said that he was thinking Gisele would never give him up,but she did it and was great decision,I think Bar should do the same a long before!

hey barilace and aomgthereckless welcome :wave:

thanks fash and kat for news! :wave:

and what about Leo's per-brother, none will never know what happened then. yeah many years passed after that and Leo's people made it disappear,even at that period when it happened.we don't know what's like Leo's per-brother is,so we can't even think if he really tried killing her or not.but he was arrested and that does make a sense!

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well, I kinda doubt her spokesperson would deny it if it weren't true that they are fake - it would be worse if they denied it and it was true.LOL.

btw, very classy avatar pheiress :laugh: - very classy, BAR! Since you know a lot about Leo, have you heard anything recent about his stepbrother? Seems like he dropped off the earth after he had that trouble with his girlfriend (hey, maybe that's why LEo is afraid to commit,LOL)

Hi bariace !

Thanks, solange, I love this pic of Bar. :) She's very feisty. I'm sure she probably had someone in mind when the photographer took the picture. And no I actually really know next to NOTHING about Adam, and I'm not even sure I remember much about the trouble he had with his girlfriend. Wasn't he accused of supposedly trying to murder her or something?? I know he has a daughter, Normandie I think.... but that's all I really know or remember. I don't think Adam has anything to do with his commitmentphobia, I think Leo just isn't ready to settle down yet. He has too much going on in his career and men have the luxury of waiting a lot longer than woman do in their life.

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Oh I also remember last year that leo was scheduled to go to Manila in 2011.

From last year:


Also found this recent tweet...

opinyonada : So Leo is scheduled to visit Manila soon, with so Blake Lively? :)

about 4 hours ago via web · Reply · View Tweet


But i guess as usual we have to wait and see :)

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Personnally I don't belive about the article of us magazine... The only things that they can prove me that it is a serious relationship and not a summer romance is : See pictures of blake with leo'mother and his friends (kate winslet, tobey maguire, kevin connely) be with her in public (kissing and holding hand in US like she did with penn badgley and seeing together on the red carpet. All this things could prove that he loves her and that he is a serious relation...

Personnaly I don't like blake she is completley different from bar and gisele I mean Bar and gisele are very natural when they don't work wearing simple clothes and concerning about the environement like leo. Moreover I don't think that leo and blake have the acting in common I mean they don't play in the same categorie, moreover in the past leo was with manequin and even if they don't act leo loved them because he liked their personnality.

Personnaly I think that time will tell us if it is a serious or not a serious relation, I mean they were in France without familly and pressure it was like vaccation but when they will be in us things would be differents : career , paprazzi, familly and friends opinion....

In some french mag they said that when blake and leo were in porto fino and then with did not see her in naomi birthay it is because noami doesn't want to invite her in her birthay because noami is bar's friend and she doesn't like blake and if you see the pictures it is truth that there are no photos of blake and noami.

It's a bit early for Blake to be meeting Leo's mom, but I'm sure she will soon.... And we've already seen them holding hands.

Blake is actually very down to earth and natural. She's not out walking around with him looking like Victoria Beckham... Also, go watch The Town, she actually is a respected actress and has a lot of promise in her future (probably moreso now that she's dating Leo).

I agree with you about Naomi, I think she was being loyal to Bar, and her and Bar did become good friends last year and they were at some of the same parties together in Cannes, too.

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pheiress,Leo was the only one who was bagging Gisele to get back together.Gisele decided that they had to break up and why she would bag him to be together again.and after their break up Leo's friends said that he was thinking Gisele would never give him up,but she did it and was great decision,I think Bar should do the same a long before!

Are you talking about the first time they broke up or the second time? The first time they broke up, in May '02, yes it was Leo who wanted to get back together -- I think he knew he'd messed up. But in '05 when they broke up it was actually Gisele who did it, but then she regretted it and tried to get back with him. But Leo wasn't having it and he took off for Vegas for a month or so, where he met Bar. After that Gisele has always kept in touch with Leo's mom and it was a year before she started dating Tom. I don't doubt that Leo did say those things though -- about thinking Gisele would never give him up. They were really in love for a long time.

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