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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks for the pics of Leo and Bradley going to Cabo! Leo looks gorgeous :heart:

Maybe Bar is indeed going to Cabo... she just tweeted bye to New York ;)

Also noticed Bar is following leo's long time friend q tip on twitter ;)

Ooooooo maybe shes heading to Cabo?? And yes Fash I noticed shes following Q-tip! Shes also following Leos long time friend Ethan Suplee and Leos costar/friend Mark Ruffalo!

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looks like leo may not be in this movie...

Prisoners Gets a New Director

For a long time, Training Day director Antoine Fuqua was going to helm the vigilante thriller Prisoners for Alcon Entertainment and Warner Bros., but he dropped out last year. According to the L.A. Times' "24 Frames" blog, Oscar-nominated Incendies director Denis Villeneuve has taken over those reins.

Based on a script by Aaron Guzikowski, the film is about working-class Boston father whose daughter and her friend are kidnapped, but when he believes the detective botched the case, he in turn takes the man he believes responsible as a hostage.

Leonardo DiCaprio was originally going to star in the film and the likes of Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale have been mentioned in key roles, but producer Andrew Kosove has said that DiCaprio probably won't be doing the movie and they're looking to cast other actors to start shooting in the fall.

Villeneuve's drama about a pair of twins who reexplore their roots in the Middle East has received nearly unanimous raves by everyone who has seen it. Ironically enough, it opens in New York and Los Angeles today, and you can read ComingSoon.net's recent interview with Villeneuve here.


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It's Earth Day! Which Green Hottie Would You Like To Hug A Tree With?

Leonardo DiCaprio has been making us swoon since 1997 when he starred in "Titanic," but what really makes our hearts beat for him are the things he does off-screen. A devoted environmentalist, Leo has done so much for the Earth, including raising awareness through his documentary "The 11th Hour," to donating $1 million to the WCS to help save endangered tigers.

Duh, I choose Leo :p


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It's so cool Leo's still having that strong relationships with ex-co-stars:)

He's not one of those actors who's pretending to be good friends with fellow-actors, and drops them as soon as the movie's out of theaters...

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I agree Carol PrinceSS : When Leo made Titanic he was cute, but now: "he's a man" like lovely Kate Winslet said, and she is very entitled to say this because she was with Leo shooting Titanic and she is Leo's friend, she could notice in close through the years how Leo turned into a HOT MAN! :drool:

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Did Leo really broke up Demi Moore and Bruce Willis??

It's funny how he's still friends with her and now also with Ashton Kucher :p

Ahahah this list of lovers made me laugh!

He certenly has a type :)

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I don't believe that list :laugh: People just do google on leo then come up with these articles.. they don't try to get their own background on the situation.. they just go with what the tabloids said.

If you are seen with the opposite sex and if you are single then people pair you up with that person right away.

Leo has known Cameron since the 90's and just because he was spotted talking to her at a party they said he was dating her. However, they've known eachother for so long its normal for them to talk. Leo talks with lots of his co stars male or female. Just because you talk to soneone doesn't mean you date them. The media does this everyday with all celebrities.

They are even pairing him up with other males. A few years ago someone said that leo and Tobey shared a bed and used to be lovers, there were also rumours of leo being a couple with Kevin Connolly and Lukas Haas. It seems celebrities can't just be friends with anybody these days without wild accussations.

Back in 2009 they only said leo was dating Ashley Roberts because they were spotted at the same party. Again that relates to what i said above...

If you research Vanessa Haydon back in the 90's it was shown how she lied about dating leo to the media so that she could get attention. Leo's people said they never dated and that Vanessa has had a past of lying like that.

Leo mentioned that he was just friends with Demi Moore.

The only one's I believe are Kristen, Kidada (maybe), Gisele, Bar, maybe Anne (in a very casual way) but i don't think he actually dated her... he just went with her and his friends to Ibiza afterwards we never heard anything of them again. leo was shooting Inception and Anne was never in the same place leo was. she was always modeling elsewhere. However, i can believe the story that leo went on a date with Emma Miller... that one actually seems plausible.

Remember that picture of leo with that Brazillian woman that looked like Kim Kardashian a bit (couple months ago). All leo did was take a fan picture with her and then just because they were in the same pic someone decided to start a little rumour about them. Most likely it was the model who started the rumour because someone had to have post and send that pic to media take out... that pic wasn't a pap shot. Leo would never have taken a pic with her like that if there was something going on especially at a public party like that. It just shows you can't trust what the media says because all they are trying to do is make a living and feeding the publics fascnation with all things celebrity.

I believe throughout the years leo has been with lots of women. However, i don't necessarily believe the certain names the media come up with becuase most of their proof just boils down to being seen talking at the same party. I think leo has only seriously dated Kristen Zang, Gisele and Bar. Any other women and i'm sure there's been lots have probably only been little flings/ one nighters and such. I think most of that stuff happened when leo was a bit wilder in the 90's or to a lesser degree when he had all those breaks with Gisele and that break with Bar. Leo even said he was a Don Juan back in his younger days but he said he's no longer like that anymore.

I just hate when this stuff makes it to the news because then everyone automatically takes it to be true even when there's a good chance it was never true to begin with.

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