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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Great video WIJIN!! :wave: yes Barbie i agree it's so exciting!! :fun:

Some more nice comments from another writer :)

Collider writer :

Edgar – It was a scene of Leonardo DiCaprio as Hoover testifying before Congress on why there needs to be a central database for fingerprints. DiCaprio looked fantastic in the role and I was ready to watch the whole film right then and there.


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Apparently filming has wrapped for Hoover!!!! This person also says it should be released this year... yipeee !!

From an extra on the set:

"Filming "J. Edgar" wrapped in the early hours of Thursday morning so Clint now has another movie in the can. The movie should be released this year, in time for Oscar contention.

There was an incredible vibe amongst the crew about this project. I think we can all expect a wonderful movie. "

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Clint Eastwood's 'J. Edgar': CinemaCon premieres clip starring Leonardo DiCaprio

It’s hard to look at Leonardo DiCaprio and see the bulldog FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, but in one short clip of the Clint Eastwood movie that premiered at CinemaCon, the actor shows his chops.

In this case, literally. There seems to be something different about his face. It’s jowlier, even though the scene is from the early ’20s, when Hoover was still relatively young. It doesn’t look like exterior makeup, but perhaps some dental addition that adjusts the shape of his cheeks. In any case, DiCaprio acquits himself well as the camera slowly inches in on that slightly different, yet very familiar face.

Hoover is testifying before Congress, advocating for the power to compile the National Fingerprint Database, an initiative that might seem logical and reasonable, though he is using a famous case from the time to strike fear in the heart of anyone listening to his words: The Lindbergh Baby disappearance.

“Bring all the finger prints in this country to my office so that we may create a central file to help arm our agents so that they may have a fighting chance against the sub-machineguns of some of the most dangerous characters in the history of American criminality. And I urge you to do this in the name of little Lindy, because if he can be taken, then what child is safe? … If we cannot aid in his safe return, then what use are we?”

There is a musical, almost hypnotic quality to his words, with intense emphasis on certain words that breaks the flow. It reminded me of the gritted cadences of Burt Lancaster. Though it was only a brief look at J. Edgar, it shows both the noble ambitions of the national lawman and his manipulative, invasive tendencies.


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I can't believe Hoover has finished!! And I'm so happy it will be released this year!! :clap: Just in time for award season. And thanks for the reviews fash! Sounds like from peoples comments Hoover and Leo will be all over award season! :dance:

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yeah i'm happy that apparently he's finished shooting... now he'll have time for other stuff... which means some pics (not Hoover pics) of him finally!!!

lol the good comments are streaming in here's another.... from Moviefone writer

Leonardo DiCaprio could win the Oscar

What did I say about calling it too early? Indulge me. Warner Bros. led off their preview slate with an extended clip of DiCaprio as the infamous FBI man in Clint Eastwood's 'J. Edgar.' It was a single shot slowly moving in on the actor in slight makeup giving a speech to convince the government there needs to be more dedication to prevent things like the Lindbergh kidnapping. It's a scene that very much recalls the actor's stoic portrayal of Howard Hughes in 'The Aviator.' How much of the film will delve into the lawman's personal life during the Lindbergh case (which it focuses on) to echo that Hughes performance is unknown at this point. Eastwood's track record as a filmmaker has been spotty at best since last taking Oscar with 'Million Dollar Baby,' but DiCaprio is due after being shut out in 2010 despite stellar work in both 'Shutter Island' and 'Inception,' maybe 2011 could be his year.


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Greatest Movie Heroes Of All Time

5.Jack Dawson – The Leonardo DiCaprio character from Titanic is both tragic and heroic. The fact that he is just a regular guy caught up in a difficult situation is the key to his likability, and that is what makes him a successful movie hero. Out of all the people in the film, his character is the one that people tend to remember most.


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