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Barbara Meier


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Thanks for your answer Snuffy - and I have to say in many points you're right but nevertheless I still have sometimes the impression that she's a little, ...I'm sorry, I don't know the English word..."not-trained". The first time I got that impression was when I saw the pictures I posted in my last post - I haven't had it before.

Hmm, maybe I'm wrong, who knows......

But thanks once again Snuffy, you told me (or us) your own opinion in an objective way and with good arguments. I'm always open for that... Sad that some other member have to send me personal messages in which I'm called a "****** *****"...

Sorry for my English

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Ok guys...whew...the time has come...^^

Now I'm going to say something, or actually ask something for which many of you probably would like to kill me :war:

First of all let me remind you again: I loooooove Barbara to death and she's absolutely beautiful and stunning!!!! :laugh:

But here it comes: I am of the opinion that Barbara would do even better, if she maybe lost a little weight...>.<

Not much though!! I don't mean like super skinny...maybe just 3-5 kilos. Just to look a little fitter.

So...what do you think? (Please don't expell me now :surrender: )

Hello Reeyo,

I do understand what you mean. I also think she looks somewhat well-rounded in the pictures you posted. But actually, it is not Barbara who needs to change, but us, or rather our perception. Barbara is an extremely beautiful woman, and she is also very slim (and fit. Don´t forget that she is an athlete - a rock´n´roll dancer). The problem is that we are so used to underweight models, that we consider anything other than emaciated bodies fat. Personally, I wish that there were more models with figures like Barbara. We desperately need to get back to a normal body-image. I don´t understand how it could come to this, but fashion designers and photographers have consistently altered our vision and acceptance of what is beautiful by using thinner and thinner models. When I look at pictures of (just for example) Marilyn Monroe in a swimsuit (and Barbara is much much thinner than that!), I see a gorgeous woman. But for today´s standards, she is grossly fat. So what´s going on?

And let´s not forget that anorexia is a deadly illness.



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Barbara again in german Cosmopolitan:


Does anybody have already the new december-edition? Is it worth buying?

Sorry, forgot to mention. The images are from marc-o-polo.nl.

I also like the way she looks there.

Now that you´ve mentioned it, I think I´ll look at Cosmo when I go out later. :)

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