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Barbara Meier


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Barbara was at the event yesterday in her hometown Amberg.

Here is the link to the article:


and here to the gallery:


and here you can find a video where her teachers, neighbours and sports-collegues talk about her.


Nachrichten___Bildergalerie____Mittelbayerische_Zeitung____www.mittelbayerische.de_1208589431100.jpeg Nachrichten___Bildergalerie____Mittelbayerische_Zeitung____www.mittelbayerische.de_1208589454029.jpeg Nachrichten___Bildergalerie____Mittelbayerische_Zeitung____www.mittelbayerische.de_1208589491893.jpeg Nachrichten___Bildergalerie____Mittelbayerische_Zeitung____www.mittelbayerische.de_1208589556951.jpeg
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Barbara looks so pretty...DAMN! :blush:

Thanks snuffy for these gorgeous pictures.

-val- from the topmodel-forum found a document about the releasing dates of Madame Figaro ---->


note: it´s an Adobe Reader document

I hope Barbara will be in the latest Edition of Madame Figaro (April 22th). I can´t wait any longer... <_<

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That document of MF doesn't contain any interesting information :(

I can't wait anylonger, too. All the infos about Barbara are great, but it's not the information i wanna hear^^ Guess I just need to be patient

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Reeyo, I can understand you. But I think we won´t see the pictures very soon.

I found a russian page where some people put scans from madame figaro but from the last April-edition they only took the cover from the burda-site and nothing else.

I hope they will soon update, but there hasn´t happened anything for a long time, here is the direction:


My hope is that Barbara goes to Paris again and that they will update her portfolio then - if the pics are worth it... if not :(

There exists also a german page of the pressegrosso


You can order the russian Madame Figaro also in the nearest shop member of this "Blauer Globus" but I do not understand well if they only have the last year´s edition or if the page was updated last year. Just search "Madame Figaro" in "Schnellsuche" and you will find the Madame Figaro, well, this is what I found out so far about Madame Figaro, ebay: no chance so far to find an up-to-date-edition.

And here are some news, Barbara has updated her homepage:

23rd of April: C&A-Fashionshow for the press

24th of April: New Faces Award in Berlin

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I just wanted to make a resume of professional pics/pics from events we are waiting for:


- 23rd of April: C&A fashionshow

- 24th of April: New Faces Award in Berlin

- 25th of April: Centro Fashion Fashion Show

- 26th of April: Deutscher Parfumpreis in Berlin


- Don't label me (seem to have only one collection each year, so pics to come in September/October?)

- Cover and Editorial for Style International (to be published in June)

- Covershooting Olympiastadion Berlin (which magazine? when to be published? nobody knows...)

- Editorial shooting for Madame Figaro Russia (is it already published? April or may-edition? nobody knows..)

- editorial shooting Milan I (which magazine? when to be published? nobody knows...)

- Editorial Shooting Milan II (which magazine? when to be published? nobody knows...)

- Art-Installation (which artist? nobody knows...)

If BarbaraFan is one of the makers of the BarbaraFan-homepage: Could you ask her if you meet Barbara again? That would be sooo nice!

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@Snuffy: Yeah, I´m one of the webmasters of Barbara-meier-fans.de . And yes, we will meet Barbara soon. Ingo, my co-webmaster, meets her tomorrow. He will make new pic´s and ask her some questions. So if you want to know something, please write your questions in our forum at the fanpage!

And here some new: The weedingdress, Barbara had shown in Kiel, is now on ebay!

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