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Guest MissIsabella

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey capt,

you have the files ending with ".mpg.oo1" so its trying to save it as a "001" file, which is clearly not a filetype. that is why xfiler couldn't watch it, and me neither. i don't know how it worked for sha, but. . .

could you maybe resave them yourself as normal mpg files and then repost?? i know its alot to ask, but it really is appreciated!!!!



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Well, what you really need is something that will play MPEG 2 video, MPEG 2 is like DVD so you may want to try playing it through a DVD player, which should work.

You may want to try the VLC player, or install a codec pack. I use the K-Lite codec pack from Here Just scroll down the page untill you see the name K-Lite. This pack has just about every codec you will ever need. VLC Player has all of these codecs as well, but they come integrated with a Media Player.

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The endnings like ".001" is not the problem (you have just to delete them...), my probs are, when I'm starting the video, no matter wich player I use, it stops after a few seconds and the player don't respond any more... I already had this problems in past, but only with few files. The HJSplit doesn't help anyway, I used the programm to regroup the parts to one big part, but the whole video stops after a moment...

Capt, is it possible to post the "original" video, I mean the whole 165 MB in one file ???

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The files are fine, I just downloaded them and combined them and they play fine, they will work whether or not you put them back together with HJSplit. As Xfiler mentioned you can just remove the .001 and the file will play.

It is encoded with Ligos MPEG encoder, which is usually a default in most systems.

If you are unable to play the file, it is a problem with your computer. I recommend getting the proper codecs installed, or trying out a different player.

You also may be having some form of codec conflict, some codecs do not work when installed within the same system as others. The codec used in this video should not be one of those, but you never know.

Upgrade your players, or try a different one out such as the VLC player. Also MPEG 2 videos are playable through all DVD software, that may be a choice.

As neo mentioned my upload speed is horrible, or else I would have just uploaded the file in it's original form in the first place.

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