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How big is your model/celebrity/actor collection?


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I know there are some big fans here (myself included). As such, we scour the internet and subsequently Bellazon to find as many pictures of our favorite models, celebrities and actors. We all have a folder on our desktop or buried in our hard drive where we save all of these pictures. So the question is simple and easy, just how big is your collection? A simple right click and properties is in order.

I have 40,505 files and 1,000 folders for 7.68 GB of pictures and 240 files and 19 folders for 7.24 GB of videos. That brings the grand total to...

14.92 GB - 1,019 folders - 40,745 files

I'm sure some of you out there have massive collections that eclipse mine. So go ahead. Big or small, tell us just how big your collection is?

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