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The Joker

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ugh shitty weather sucks as...but at least you're going to start summer... winter beckons for us and there is no sun anymore...stop stealing our sun you northern hemisphere bastards :persuazn: :ermm: A bike tour? Was it a scenic tour or were you training for the Tour de France or something? :laugh: It won't be great once you wake up and you can't even stand :evil: It happened to me after my first time at paintball...woke up the next day and was walking like a cripple for the next week...like someone shoved something up my ass or something :rofl:

I have nothing planned... it's already night time here and i need to study and go to sleep early because I'll be playing futsal tomorrow in the morning. Do you play futsal or watch the Bundesliga?

and I also play to dance before I go to sleep :rofl: HALT! HAMMERZEIT! :hell yea!: damn that song is contagious :| What do you have planned? Planning to capture your droids again and make them keep working on your CCTV bird?

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No Bundesliga for me! I only watch the great American TV series, that's all. I don't like TV, it made me stupid like sh*.

But European Cup next year, and Germany's gonna be one great party mile again :D Like in 2006! I loved it, it was 4 weeks of partying and being proud of the guys... but after that.. Germans started to be German again and yeah.. sucks ass!

So I can't wait for the next Cup, which's gonna be the European in 2008! And until that... Hammerzeit jeden Tag :D

Ha-ha tomorrow I'll get my copy of the new Linkin Park CD.

And no, I make the tours just to get tanned and stuff... I have so much free-time now that I quit university, I gotta make it good.

It's winter? What? I don't get the global physics! Can't believe it's cold down there! My mind is limited, so it's hard to imagine!

Yay, do the parachute dance! I'm watching MC Hammer on youtube right now... it's so funky!


No, no.. I dismissed my poor hammer droids. They wanna become professional dancers now.. they won't be concentrated. I guess I have to quit thinking about my CCTV bird and hire me some professional beat-the-shit-out-of-bigfoot-guys. Of course only in case bigfoot comes... :shifty:

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TV rots the brain but its not doing me any harm :p Hammerzeit jeden Tag? What does that mean? :blink: Hammer time ____ day? :confused:

I haven't heard from Linkin Park in a long time but I see you're very psyched up for it. Have they changed their style or anything? :idk: You quit uni? :clap: What are you plans for the future? You better make the most of that time before you have to work or go back to uni again :|

hahaha! A lot of people that live in the northern hemisphere don't seem to know how the seasons work for some reason :idk: You guys never get taught in school? Well not that you have a reason to teach anything about the Southern Hemisphere...we're got nothing down here :p

hahahahaha I'm watching it on youtube as well :rofl: great minds think alike :shifty:


Even droids have been infected by the funkyness of MC Hammer :woot: You should use something to lure bigfoot out of hiding :ninja:

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I have to admit you're very good at using smileys. They always stress the meaning of your words. :clap:

Hammer time every day ;). Btw how r u able to speak so damn well German? Using the altavista tool?

Yay, LP completely changed their style and I don't know how it's gonna sound. I don't know if it's gon be

a good CD, but by tomorrow at least my waiting will have an end. 4 years, damn.. I hope it's worth the time.

Well, I quit university because I completely studied the wrong subject. It was all technological and I don't even

know the difference between Volt and Ampere! (that's how it's spelled?) I didn't learn sh* while I was in Amberg,

I was part of a flat-sharing community with a pothead and a guy who was divorced and drunk 24/7.

Well, my plans: I was offered a job and I took it. It's gonna start in September, I'm really looking forward to it,

because I can stay here where my friends are and where it's so damn inspiring plus I finally get money for my


Btw, what do you do? You're a student, right? What, where, do you like it so far?

Don't forget the hammer :D da da da da. Can't stop it. Da da da da. Stop! Hammer time xD :dance: :ddr:

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I have to admit you're very good at using smileys. They always stress the meaning of your words. :clap:

Hammer time every day ;). Btw how r u able to speak so damn well German? Using the altavista tool?

Yay, LP completely changed their style and I don't know how it's gonna sound. I don't know if it's gon be

a good CD, but by tomorrow at least my waiting will have an end. 4 years, damn.. I hope it's worth the time.

Well, I quit university because I completely studied the wrong subject. It was all technological and I don't even

know the difference between Volt and Ampere! (that's how it's spelled?) I didn't learn sh* while I was in Amberg,

I was part of a flat-sharing community with a pothead and a guy who was divorced and drunk 24/7.

Well, my plans: I was offered a job and I took it. It's gonna start in September, I'm really looking forward to it,

because I can stay here where my friends are and where it's so damn inspiring plus I finally get money for my


Btw, what do you do? You're a student, right? What, where, do you like it so far?

Don't forget the hammer :D da da da da. Can't stop it. Da da da da. Stop! Hammer time xD :dance: :ddr:

hahahah thank you :blush: but I never knew you could do such a thing... I just grab any smiley and shove it into my sentences...I recommend that everyone abuses their smilies :evil:

I was thinking all day but I never really knew so I decided to not look like a fool (to the best of my ability :ninja:) and I don't speak German well :rofl: I've used the words halt, zeit and tag :rofl: I got the meaning of tag from guten tag, which I've been told means good day. So yeh, I really don't think you should conclude that I speak German of any sort because I can use 3 words. Anyway, I know the German version of 'U Can't Touch This' :fun: :laugh: Tell me how it goes...I liked LP's stuff...like not fanatically but I didn't mind listening to it. I wonder how it will be like *imagines opera* :actor:

Volt and an ampere... they both measure electric currents or something right? I'm not too sure either :idk: and you shared a flat with a drunk and a pot head? that's when you know you are in uni :laugh: but there are the drunk potheads as well! September? Why such a long wait? well it's good that you have a job, but what are you going to be doing exactly?

yeh, I'm a student...a really lazy one :sleep: I study psychology in Sydney. It's great, very interesting but I just don't like the whole "you have to use your brain to succeed in uni" concept. Oh, and the "you must put in effort" concept. They suck. I want to succeed the lazy way damn it! :ermm: Did I also mention that I was lazy? :rofl:

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:rofl: I guess many students are lazy. That's why they study. The everyday life would be way too tough.

Weather changed, now it's cloudy again. Goddamnit. I want to have spring like every year with May being the warmest (?) month of the whole year. But noo...

Hm, I can't think of talking about anything. I am empty. Ah, great topic: how are the girls in Sydney? Are they as cold as they're here? I guess not. My brother's working his butt off to afford a ticket, but he's a little bit scared of the flight which

will take about 20 hours, with a little stop in Singapoure (that's where all my CDs come from :rofl:) and monsoons really shaking the plane. Muahaha. Why does he wanna fly to Australia anyway? To me, Italy is the prettiest country! (well.. haven't been much anywhere else :rofl:)

BUT you really gotta tell me about the girls over there! You said - spiders aren't that big, that's cool! But what about those wolf spiders ( I guess ) who nest in the foundation of the houses? (anything like that is what I heard)

I :rofl: a lot today, I'm full of joy today.

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Everyday life would be better in many respects. The mere fact that I only have to work 8 hours a day and don't have to use my brain would be awesome :p Why Spring? I hate Spring <_< I'm allergic *hides from flowers*

Girls? There's a wide range, let's put it that way. We're quite multicultural compared to a lot of other countries. There's the good and the bad. That's about all I can say about it :idk:

The small spiders are the fatal ones :| wolf spiders? I've seen one or two but don't see many around...but forget about the spiders! think about me! not many of them see me around, and if they do they won't be able to tell their friends :knives: The ninja knows how not to be seen... by anything :ninja: Why does he want to fly to Australia? :blink: Italy :wub: Are you satisfied with Germany or do you want to travel as well?

Joy is good :clap: Maybe it's the excess doses of adrenaline that you have in your system from the bike ride...

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Nipples under the shower.

Now that sentence raised the "pornarticle-o-meter" sky high. I feel naughty and stuff.

You hide from everything, that's great! Those are the guys who come out with super ideas of how to improve the everyday life of people who have nothing else to do but go tanning and hooking up chicks. But I totally understand you, I just wanna use my brain when I'm playing videogames. And when I'm trying to trick girls. Ha-ha. No, I don't do that. I avoid them, just like spiders.

Yeah, I like Germany, I like the scenery and the countryside, but .. well I got something against the people who r living here. I don't know, but that's typically German to not like Germans because they're so German. You see? It's an evilish circle. So... I am typically German because I don't like the typical Germans.. uh, let's not get confused.

What music r u into, btw?

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Nipples under the shower.

Now that sentence raised the "pornarticle-o-meter" sky high. I feel naughty and stuff.

You hide from everything, that's great! Those are the guys who come out with super ideas of how to improve the everyday life of people who have nothing else to do but go tanning and hooking up chicks. But I totally understand you, I just wanna use my brain when I'm playing videogames. And when I'm trying to trick girls. Ha-ha. No, I don't do that. I avoid them, just like spiders.

Yeah, I like Germany, I like the scenery and the countryside, but .. well I got something against the people who r living here. I don't know, but that's typically German to not like Germans because they're so German. You see? It's an evilish circle. So... I am typically German because I don't like the typical Germans.. uh, let's not get confused.

What music r u into, btw?

Faster than a male porn star with a penis pump :shifty:

Ninjas only improve life with death! Care to try? :knives: Yes, you should avoid the girls that are like spiders. The poisonous one, the big ones and the hairy ones...also those girls with 8 legs...but they're hard to avoid...because they have 8 legs :|

Evil Germans :no:

Music? I doubt its anything you like...ummm indie rock :yes: but I listen to some other genres as well...mostly rock though... what about you?

Something's annoying me today. The problem is: I know what it is, but i can't do anything about it.

If it's your brother then punch him in the arm where his hurt is :lullaby:

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Hehe, yeah the hairy ones... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: That reminds me of a gi... well, never mind. :confused:

No.. it's about a former female friend of mine... we really splitted up in anger. But honestly, I'm not the one to blame.

She went away for a couple of months and today I got the news: she's back in town.. don't know what I should do.

I'd love to ignore her for the rest of my life cause of what she fuckin' did.. but I don't think that'd work.

Hey dutchy :hug: nice to hear from you again :D

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