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Everything posted by yours_forever

  1. ^Must be another fairy power She makes mean fall in love with her I want that one... then I can have men do my bidding :evil: But I won't be a little hoochie like Sookie I'm not interested in sleeping with men.... especially now
  2. Ahhhh... not a fan of her I like Arthur's brother
  3. No kidding. For a while Chloe's favorite word was "No" and so we started saying "don't do that" instead of no hoping she would stop and she just started saying "No! Don't do that" But now her favorite word seems to be "Ewwwwwwww" which is kinda funny or she'll hold her arms out wide and go "All done!" It seems to be getting better for us
  4. Like put it on nilla wafers?!
  5. Love it! It's definitely a different twist to the stories I've heard but it's good
  6. Already?! ids are growing up too fast nowadays. Tell them you should still be cool until they are at least 12
  7. Oh my goooossshhh!!! Yeah! I got some banana cream pie pudding
  8. Why-o-why-o-why-o. Why did I leave Ohio?
  9. Yeah! Tommy got the crap beat out of him!! And that dream of Sookie's.... I was kinda surprised Alcide didn't hop in there too.... this is just ridiculous now. And someone needs to burn these darn witches at the stake
  10. Oh boy. Well, good luck and I hope everything works out for you. Just found out today I'm having another little girl. This will be my second
  11. ^Yep. I get that. I work with children almost every day, and the other day I turned my back on a couple and heard them start arguing and I looked at the just in time to see one of the boys wind back and headbutt the other. Well, that's pretty cool, I guess But what is cool to kids is definitely different from what is cool to adults
  12. Wow. Never heard any of that. Looks like I got the inside scoop now I agree though. He should just retire. Exactly! Wow! A new baby on the way too! Do you know hwat it is yet? Or does it matter at this point?
  13. 10 (you can't blame her for tiring him out in the bedroom before he plays )
  14. Wow. You got the insider scoop Maybe you could ask if you can post part of it... not video, of course, but just write out a couple of questions that you like the most.
  15. Ahhh. Yeah. Just admit you were wrong so you can kiss and make up. Haha

  16. Uh oh. What happened last night?

  17. He seems kinda weird And don't let Jenna know this, please, but he doesn't seem all that bright When he was getting ready for a fight a while back against Matt Hammill he kept says he'd be easy to knock out because he was deaf and therefore had no equilibrium I'm sorry, but if someone didn't have an equilibrium they probably wouldn't even be able to stand. Not sure who does his stradegizing but... Ooooo... Look at you. Luck just surrounds oyu, doesn't it? I'm sure it wasn't always all it's cracked up to be though.
  18. No flippin' way!!!!! Lucky lucky lady!!! You'll have to give us your own little review, although I'm sure it will be something like "AMAZING!" since you can't give away any details Let him know that if he has a part he needs to fill with a nobody I will be more than willing ot help out
  19. Thanks Cop! Can't wait! :party:
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